Disaster Part 2

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                "'Sorry for trashing your place! Thank you for the money though, I was running low since I'd just come into town and all. I'm not staying long though. Places to go, things to see! Thanks Imouto. –Isamu.'"
                         I scowl and tear up the paper, letting its confetti fall to the ground as well. Of course it was my older brother. Who else would it be? I let out a bitter laugh before just laying my head down again. This time I feel a wet substance slide down my cheeks. I angrily wipe my arm across my face and glare holes into the wall. The deafening silence is broken by voices outside. I keep my head down but pull my guns out, listening in.
"Hey Haruhi," a male voice says. "There's someone's groceries on the ground out here."
"Hm, that's in front of... I can't remember her name. I've only ever seen her once." A female voice replies.
"Maybe she got hurt or something? We should check on her, right Takashi?" A little kid too?
I don't hear a reply but the sound of footsteps approach my apartment. I count six different sets.
"Her door is broken down..."
"And her apartment is trashed. I wonder if she's alright?"
                             I can hear them shuffling around in my living room, looking for me. I lift my arms out in front of me, guns raised, waiting for the door to open. I don't trust strangers in my home. I hear a click and the door opens, pushing papers aside. I cock the guns and hear a girly squeal.
"Give me three good reasons why I should not shoot all of you for trespassing on private property." I command emotionlessly, not even moving to look at them.
"Your groceries were dropped outside."
"Your door was broken down." Another one says.
"We were making sure you were okay Princess. Please put the guns away." The last one sounds as if he were trying to be honorable, but his voice is shaky.
I lazily lift my head and lower the gun. It's just a bunch of school kids. I'm surprised that they didn't piss themselves and run away.
"I'm alive. Go away." I state, looking them over.
There are six boys and an effeminate girl. A set of ginger haired twins... two tall, dark haired boys, one with glasses and one without... A blond haired idiot hiding behind the boy with glasses... On the shoulders of the other dark haired boy sits a small boy who looks like an elementary student but wears the high school uniform. He must just be very small. The girl, I remember her vaguely. She lives a few doors down with a transvestite. Interesting crowd.
"Are you okay? What happened here Miss... I'm sorry I can't remember your name. I live a few doors down." The girl asks, her eyes travelling around the room.
"I'm fine. I got robbed, obviously." I gesture to the wreckage around me.
"Did you call the police?" The little boy asks.
"No. I know who did it. Now go away little kids." I mutter, making shooing motions with my guns.
"You look to be about our age, so we're not little kids. You never told us your name."
The boys are going to test my nerves and I don't kill minors.
"You look like you are five, little boy, so you don't have much room to talk. My name is none of your concern considering you lot are the ones who trespassed. I could, however, call the authorities on you all for trespassing."
                       They all stare at me before shrugging and starting to walk out. The older blond stays behind and pulls on the sleeve of the boy with glasses.
"Mommy! The Princess won't let us help her!" He whines. Oh my... that boy's first words in front of me are those?
"Tamaki, we are trespassing in her house right now. She does have every right to call the authorities on us. If she doesn't want help, she won't get help. It's not our responsibility. It's not in the Host Club's interests."
"Host Club? Wait, you guys are a bunch of male hookers?" I ask, snorting slightly.
Their expressions fall and I resist the urge to smirk.
"No we most certainly are not!" Tamaki exclaims. "We, my dear Princess, are the sons of very wealthy families with entirely too much time on our hands who entertain the daughters of very wealthy families wit-"
"With entirely too much time on their hands." I finish for him. "So, you have sex with the daughters? That's a good way to make money I guess. Plenty of it floating around with the wealthy folks. My question is, what is the effeminate girl to you? Is she a lesbian or a toy or what?"
My sour mood is slightly uplifted as the poor blond kid looks like he's about to faint.
"Mommy! She's using awful words! And she called our Haruhi a... lesbian." He whispers the last part.
"Let's go Tamaki. We have things to do." He turns to walk away, grabbing Tamaki by his shirt collar.
                     As the dark haired boy turns, he casts a glare in my direction. He looks vaguely familiar, not as if I knew him personally, but as if I knew a family member or something...
"Ootori?" I think out loud. He stiffens and turns back around.
"How did you know my family name?"
"I did some business with a family member of yours, the patriarch I believe. Very stern man but easy to get along with."
"What business? My father never spoke of any colleagues like you." He looks annoyed that I know something he doesn't.
I chuckle. "Of course he wouldn't. Hey Blondie, go take a walk. I need to have a word with this young Ootori."
The blond scurries away and I stare up at the boy. Even from my perch on the countertop, he's still taller than me.
"Your father had some competitors, wealthy ones at that. Ones that could easily strike down the power in your family's business. When wealthy people want someone to disappear, they call certain people in to take care of it. They wouldn't want anyone to know of course, it would ruin the reputation. Let's just say, I won't say anything, if your money talks for you."
"You would be placing yourself in prison if you spoke out." He counters, sounding cocky.
"I never said that I was the one who did anything. I just knew your father. I could rat him out and bring about the downfall of your family's legacy." I smirk.
He tries not to show it but the subtle tightening of his hands and jaw give away his anger.
"He can reveal your identity. Besides, you have no proof."
"Highly unlikely. I never gave my name, he wouldn't be concerned with who did said removal, just as long as it is done. If I had given my name, I obviously wouldn't use my real name. I have proof of his involvement though, I sneak pictures of the clientele for various purposes and his signature and seal on a contract. Try again, Ootori." I stare into his eyes, challenging him.
"I can easily find you again and turn you in."
"Not likely. I plan on leaving in a matter of minutes. I was robbed if you can't tell. It's dangerous here. I'll give you a few to think on it. I'm going to pack up." I smile sweetly at him and hop down from the countertop.
As I pass him, I reach up and playfully pat his cheek.
                         While I pack a bag full of clothing and a few things, I hear the so called Host Club talking outside of my apartment. I roll my eyes at the sound of Tamaki's whine about my inappropriate words and how I'm so mean. When I return to the kitchen I find Ootori having a hushed conversation with Tamaki and the other hosts. I lean against the countertop and listen to the bits of words I can pick up before getting bored and clearing my throat.
"So, children. You've returned to my apartment. How pleasant." I say, emphasizing the 't'. "Ootori, about our conversation, have we come to an agreement?"
He turns to me and holds up a cell phone. "Indeed we have. You may have evidence against my father, but I have collected some against you. I recorded your admission with assistance, so if you speak out, I'll pin it back on you."
The Host Club comes up behind him looking confused, aside from the smirking twins and I notice the strange gleam in their eyes.
"Well, Ootori, we seem to have come to an impasse. What do you want from me, since obviously just sparing your family's reputation is not your goal?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I want nothing except for you to disappear, but sadly certain people have conditions they want met." His eyes narrow from behind his glasses and cut toward the group behind him. I turn to the group and wait for someone to speak.
"We want you to come be a Host with us!" The little one cheers.
"Small child, where are your parents? It's not safe to hang out with male hookers. Bad for your morals and such. Next?"
The twins step forward and place their elbows on my shoulders. I finch away from their touch and draw my guns, aiming at them.
"Don't touch. Speak or hold your peace." I grind out.
"We could supply a home for you." They say lightly. "All expenses paid and anything you could want."
"But there are horrible conditions, correct?" I roll my eyes, still avoiding their intent to have some form of contact with me.
'Naturally. You would become our toy. Just keep us entertained we suppose." They shrug as if they were talking about the weather.
"I decline. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. I'm out."
I pocket my guns and walk over the wreckage and out onto the walkway. I crouch in front of the dropped groceries and pick out some of the nonperishable quick eats that survived the drop and put them in my backpack. I grab a soda from the pile and pop the tab and walk off, leaving my home and the strange Host Club behind. 

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