Fall Out

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 It's been three days since Daniel had the car hit and I was taken captive. I've been stuck to this stupid chair for almost as long, only being allowed to move for bathroom breaks. I look up from the floor as my concentration breaks. I'd been fiddling with the ropes trying to undo the knots restraining my hands. Daniel comes in and chuckles as he notices my arms moving behind my back.

"Untying knots was never your strong suit, Mia. Good attempt though. So, are you ready to cooperate with me?"

"Yes..." I sigh, dropping my gaze to the floor. I'm tired of this stupid chair.

"You're lying to me, aren't you Mia? Your will is too strong to break after only three days. But, I'm going to untie you anyways. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, how great. Just what I always wanted." I mutter.

Daniel and I enter one of the side rooms, my hands still bound behind my back. My eyes fall on two men leaning against the wall and I turn to Daniel in confusion. He unties my hands and shoves me forward. I catch myself and look between Daniel and the men as they walk toward me, trying to figure out what's happening. He blocks the doorway and tells me to fight for survival. Pleasant. I drop down into a defensive stance and prepare myself for their attacks. If I can take them down, maybe I can do the same to Daniel and get the hell out of here. I grimace as the soreness from the car accident resurfaces but I try to push it back. Honey always told me to not get distracted. As they get within arms' reach I lunge at one of them and hit him in the eye with my elbow. I hit the floor and sweep their legs. It works for the one I'd hurt but the other yanks me up by my throat. I can hear Daniel behind me laughing as I hiss in pain. The other man gets to his feet and punches me repeatedly. I manage to flip myself up and over the man holding me and slam him down on the ground as I flip him over my shoulder. I land a kick to his head and I turn to the other man. He rushes toward me and I jump to kick him in the face but he catches my ankle and jerks me up into the air. I thrash against him before taking the cheapest shot I can. The man drops me and I roll onto my feet before jumping at him. We land on the floor and I straddle his waist as I wrap my hands around his throat. I don't intend on killing, just incapacitating. As I squeeze tighter, his arms swing wildly trying to get me off of him. Panic removes reasoning. All he has to do is roll over. His fist connects with my eye and it knocks me backward off of him. He's on top of me in an instant and I bring my arms up to cover my face as his fists strike me over and over. Daniel's laughter reaches my ears and I grit my teeth before jabbing him in the stomach with one of my arms. I bring up a fist and connect with his jaw. While he's distracted, I roll him off of me and go to kick him in the head but he grabs my ankle and twists it painfully. I cry out as it breaks but as I fall to the floor, I elbow him in the temple and he's knocked out. I've won.

I get to my feet despite the pain and hobble over to Daniel. He smirks and tells me that I'd do better with more practice. I point out that my ankle is broken and needs attention and he laughs. I snap at him to go to hell as he nudges my ankle with his boot, then jab him in the throat with my elbow. As he gasps for breath and doubles over, I hit him in the spine with my elbow again and bring my knee up to his stomach. Once he hits the floor, I hurriedly hobble away from him toward the main door.

"You're dead Mia!"

I mutter curses as I try to hobble faster. All I have to do is make it outside. I bite back a scream as he latches onto my ankle and knocks me to the floor.

"I raise you and save you from that man who beat and raped you and this is how you repay me!"

"You sold me to the man who beat and raped me so go to Hell!" I spit in his face before punching him in the nose, enjoying the satisfying crunch.

I bring up my knee before rolling out from under him and attempting to run on my broken ankle.

"You're dead when I see you again Mia!"

I ignore his threat as I stumble out into the alleyway. I don't have my phone to call anyone so I'll have to make it out of the warehouse district or shake down a thug for a phone. I curse again as the pain intensifies and I lean back against the wall to rest my ankle. A hand wraps around my throat and I'm lifted off the ground and slammed against the brick. A knife rests underneath my jaw and I glare down at Daniel.

"I told you, Mia, you're dead."

"Lady Yui!"

My eyes travel to the end of the alleyway where I find Kasanoda glaring at Daniel. Perfect timing I suppose. I offer him an attempted smile before he and a large group of his men descend upon us.

"Take another step and I'll slice her throat." Daniel threatens, pressing the blade into my skin until I feel blood trail down my neck.

I smirk at him despite the pain as I notice the men behind him just as they jerk him away from me. Kasanoda catches me before I hit the ground and I watch as Daniel gets mauled.

"Thank you Ritsu."

"No problem Lady Yui, I finally got to repay my debt to you. The Host Club has been freaking out saying you disappeared, what happened?"

"My name is Mia, by the way, but it's a long story." I cringe as a strategically placed boot hits Daniel in the nose. "Make sure he doesn't die please, I want that honor to myself."

Ritsu relays that to his group before turning back to me. "Can I help you with anything else?"

"Can I hitch a ride? Wait, what day is it? What time is it?"

"It's Thursday and the club hours ended, everyone's gone home, but sure. Get in. Let's go boys!"

Ritsu and I get into a car with a bunch of his men and as we pull away he asks where he needs to take me. I give him an address and ask them to drop me off at the end of the drive. He argues about my ankle but I wave it off and tell him to just keep his mouth shut whenever he sees the Hosts again. I thank him for saving me and helping me get where I needed to go as I get out of the car and start my hobble up the long driveway. Stupid rich people and their stupid driveways. Fifteen minutes later, I reach the front of the house and knock on the door before my legs finally give out. The door opens and someone catches me before I hit the ground. I look up and smirk.

"Well, hello there." 

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