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  I wake up feeling fantastic. Nothing hurts and I feel as if I'm floating on a cloud. I let out a small giggle before turning my head to the side. My eyes fall on what looks to be an angel sitting beside me. I smile at the angel before everything goes into focus and I realize who I'm smiling at. My smile drops and I turn away.

"Nice to see you too."

"What am I doing here?" I ask.

"You showed up on my doorstep and passed out. I was hoping you could answer that question."

"I-" I remember asking Ritsu to drop me off. "You told me you wanted to talk to me so I showed up, hell or high water."

"My conversation aside, what happened to you? I heard you scream and glass breaking, then a male voice on your phone. Half an hour later we find the car totaled and your blood everywhere but you weren't there."

"It's a long story. I'd rather talk about whatever it is that you wanted to talk about."

"I wanted to discuss what occurred in Los Angeles."

"Let's talk about what happened to me, yeah?" I mumble, changing my mind. "I got that text and it said that he would see me soon and to watch out for the truck. A truck rammed into us and I blacked out. I woke up tied to a chair. He explained why he took me and everything from my past. He beat and tortured me for three days until he untied me. He pitted me against two of his lackeys for survival. I didn't kill them but I won. I attacked Daniel and managed to escape. I got a ride to your driveway and made it to your door. I felt bad about postponing our conversation, I know how punctual you are."

He stays silent for a moment before telling me that he had my ankle set and my other injuries taken care of. I thank him and drop my gaze to the bed.

"I need to leave..." I mutter as I try to get to my feet.

He pushes me back down and I remind him that he has no right to keep me here against my will. He sighs and adjusts his glasses before reminding me that my ankle is broken and I have no ride or phone to call for one.

"This is practically kidnapping or ransom, or something. I suppose while I am here you may as well say whatever it is you were trying to say." I grumble as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Thank you." He makes himself comfortable on the chair beside the bed before speaking again. "While I admit I acted hastily at your father's, I was surprised at what he told me."

"I already told you, there were no phone calls between my father and I about staying with him. You didn't give me a chance to explain, you didn't even tell me you were leaving. I had to find out through Tamaki who had to pick me up from somewhere in the streets of Los Angeles!"

"I'm aware and I apologize. I was upset by the conversation with your father and chose to leave because at the time it was my understanding that it was what you'd wanted."

"What did he tell you?" I ask quietly.

"That you both discussed it numerous times and that you wanted to stay with him. He said that you were too afraid to say goodbye and that was why he sent you upstairs. I left shortly after that."

"He told me that you both talked about it and decided that I should stay and you had left early to give us time to talk together. After that he showed me my old room and kept pressing that I should stay with him and I freaked out and left. I tried to call you so many times but you wouldn't answer. I was sobbing on the sidewalk, wanting nothing more but to be with you, the one person who said that they would be for me. The only person that said they would always be there that I thought was sincere. I was wrong. You went back to Japan and immediately started packing my belongings without an explanation, like I didn't matter to you. What was I, Kyoya? Was I a charity case? Was I something to occupy your time? Were you just playing me for some stupid game that you came up with in that lonely head of yours? What was the point in acting like you cared about me just to basically shove me out the door...?"

I look up at him finally through the tears in my vision and bite my lip.

"You were the only person that I cared about in a long time and it was all for nothing." I whisper.

"Shut up."

I jerk my head over to face him, my jaw dropping in shock. "What?"

"I didn't stutter, Mia. I told you that I wished to speak to you and you went off on a tangent and started making crazy assumptions."

"They don't seem far-fetched when you're on one side of things without a proper explanation."

"There isn't a proper explanation because you wouldn't let me speak."

"Then hurry up and speak."

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"You infuriate me with your attitude and your refusal to listen. I'm trying to explain and you won't even give me the opportunity. You practically drive me to the point of insanity and I can't take it sometimes. You make me question everything about myself-"

"This makes me feel so much greater about myself, thank you for all of the compliments." I mutter.

He gives me a pointed look. "-but it's what made me fall in love with you." 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now