Wake Up

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                      I drag myself to 'my' room at three in the morning, thoroughly exhausted from resisting the urge to end the lives of the girls that were training me. 'Fold the toilet paper end into a triangle, sweep the floor in small, swift strokes, wake Kyoya gently, make his bed then bounce a coin on it to see if it's properly done, blah blah blah.' I'll show Kyoya a 'gentle' awakening. I pull my suitcase out from underneath my bed and take the bottle of whiskey from it. I take a large gulp of it before hiding it again. It may not be my day off but what he won't know won't kill him. I take off my outfit and pull on an oversized t-shirt before flopping back on the bed. I found out from the girls that the help typically shares rooms on the basement level with two or three others so I was lucky that Kyoya gave me my own room down the hall from him.

                 An alarm goes off beside my head and I jolt out of bed, hands reaching for my guns until I remember they're put away, another condition of Kyoya's. I glare at the offending clock and notice a note taped to it. I slap my hand over the button to silence it and read that one of the girl's had forgotten to tell me when to wake up so she came to set my alarm for me. After tearing the note off of the clock's screen I groan in annoyance. It's four-thirty. I literally got an hour and a half of sleep. Gritting my teeth, I get out of bed and make it before slipping into the bathroom to change into my work uniform. It wasn't as terrible as I'd thought it to be but it's still pretty horrendous. The skirt is knee length but still really poofy and annoying. I raise a brow at the headpiece but pull my hair back into a pony tail before putting it in place. The girls had given me a pair of black ballet flats to wear because my shoes weren't good enough and I couldn't go barefoot. I glance at the floor length mirror and scowl. I look like a bloody idiot. I hear a knock at my bedroom door and sigh before going to answer it. It's Sayu and Misa, grinning happily at me. I fix a glare back at them in response before asking what they wanted. They inform me it's time to eat before we have to start our early morning duties. I get to stop at seven to wake up Kyoya, then after assisting him, I have to go back to cleaning with the others. Fantastic.

                 After perhaps the healthiest meal I've ever eaten in my life, a bowl of fruit slices, I find myself cleaning the foyer with Sayu and Misa. The other maids are paired off and sent to other rooms on the main floor. This is the most cleaning I've done in my life and so far all I've done is dust the picture frames. Maybe all of this will translate to physical activity and it'll keep me in shape for when I return to my actual job. After everything else is done, I glance over Sayu's shoulder at the clipboard with the daily lists on it. The last item for this room is to scrub the floor.

"How horrible is this task? This floor is larger than my last two apartments put together." I ask with a sigh.
"We use a bucket and these hand brushes. There are three other girls coming to help. We all chip in on floor scrubbing days to make it go by faster. We do lines back and forth across the room so by the time we're done it should be time for you to wake up Ootori-sama."
I glance up at the clock and my eyes widen. It's going to take an hour and a half to clean these floors. Maybe I should've let Isamu kill me. Anything would be better than this. Perhaps I should go be the twins' toy? I shudder at that thought and shake my head. I'm safer here, sadly.

                 I leave the girls behind to clean up the buckets and brushes, my arm burning from holding that stupid brush. They did it by leaning over to hold the brush without bending their knees and practically sprinting across the room while pushing the brush. Definitely going to stay in shape working here. But now is going to be the highlight of my day. I have to wake up Kyoya. I was told to wake him up gently as he hates being woken up, but it was never said to be quiet now was it? I slip into the room and 'accidently' let it slam closed behind me. He groans and shuffles around on his bed but that's about the most reaction I'd gotten. Another group of maids did the laundry so I had to take it with me to put away. I drop the basket onto his bed and start to loudly open and close the drawers of his dresser as I put everything away.
"What are you doing?" He hisses, sitting up in bed.
"Oh, good. You're awake. I was about to wake you up myself." I reply, my voice dripping with a false sweetness.
"Why are you so loud? I was trying to sleep." He really is grumpy in the morning.
"Oops. I guess my oaf-ish commoner criminal upbringing has made me into a loud person."
"You're a contract killer so nice try. That's part of the reason I caught you in the club. The uniform shoes for the girls click on the floors and you moved silently."
"I'll keep that in mind and start stomping around everywhere. You have to get ready for school."
I hear him grumbling under his breath as he stands and stretches before shuffling off to the bathroom connected to his room. He wasn't wearing pants... just boxers with red hearts on them. I shake my head and shudder before hanging up the last of his clothing and making his bed. I bounce a coin off of the blanket and smirk as it bounces. I then pull an Ouran uniform from his closet and lay it out across his bed. While he takes a shower and grooms himself, I'm supposed to quickly and neatly clean his room. I'm almost certain that the maids to the British Royal Family don't have to do this much stuff.

                 Kyoya comes out of the bathroom with a towel slung low across his waist. My eyes widen and I turn away, telling him I'd come back in a minute. I do not want to see that. He chuckles in response and I flip him the bird before ducking out. A minute later he tells me I can come back in and the first thing I see is him buttoning his dress shirt.
"Why do you insist on trying to be naked while I'm in the room with you? It all makes sense now. This whole maid thing is just a ruse. If you wanted my body you could've just said so. Of course I'd say no, but still the thought is there." I mutter, crossing the room toward his bathroom.
"But if I said I wanted your body, would you have come?" he mutters lowly, his voice sounding near my ear.
I jump slightly and turn to glare at him, suddenly realizing that he's really close to me. Like, slide a paper between us close.
"You don't get to do this. I'm stuck in your servitude for a year, I get to mess with you but you can't mess with me." I bite out, looking anywhere but in his dark grey eyes.
"You've got a bit of dirt on your forehead." He mutters before poking the spot and walking away, a smirk on his face.
This kid will either die by my hand or be the death of me.  

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