The Truth

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A/N: Possible TRIGGER for kidnapping related scenarios and other such sad things. 

A few weeks pass after my brother's attack. I had to get two stitches on my cheek from the gun and it's healing nicely, thanks to Kyoya. I hadn't seen Isamu since it happened, but a few hours after the attack he sent a message telling me that he wasn't through with me yet. Kyoya took my phone for a few days after that. He did confirm that we were a couple if I wanted to be, but of course we decided to keep it between ourselves and the Hosts so as to not become subject to the wrath of the fangirls. It's strange, having a boyfriend for the first time but it's been nice.

I roll over in my bed and let out a loud sigh. I had the day off from being a maid but I still have to Host. I'll get to see Kyoya atleast. That fact is the only thing that makes me want to get out of bed. I get up and brush out my hair before pulling on a pair of shoes. I duck into the bathroom to put a bandaid over my cheek to cover the stitches before heading down the stairs. With my savings that Kyoya said I didn't have to give back, I decided to buy my own mode of transportation: a dark red motorcycle. He wasn't too happy about it, but it wasn't his choice. He said it was impractical and dangerous. It's like he doesn't even know me. I'm totally safe. I slip the black helmet over my head as I climb onto the motorcycle. I head toward Ouran, weaving through traffic at dangerous speeds. What he won't know won't hurt him.

I reach the school in five minutes and park the bike in the small lot across from the school. Walking through the halls, I stare at all the fine art and high end décor. The old me would have filled her pockets with anything I could get my hands on to sell. I still feel the urge but it's not as bad. The Hosts have domesticated me it seems. It's gross. I wave to Nekozawa as we pass by each other and he calls out a hello before making Beelzenef wave at me. I toss open the doors to the Host Club and walk in, only to realize that we don't have guests today. I raise a brow, wondering what I missed. That was the main disadvantage of not attending school with them. I miss events throughout the day that influence the club. I walk over to Kyoya and ask him what I missed.

"The Newspaper Club seems to have their focus on our group, so we're taking the day off. Tamaki has decided that he wants us to play commoner games, so we're going to be outside doing that."

He sounds like he'd rather die than do that and I fully agree. Tamaki bounds over and slings an arm around my shoulder, telling me about the 'fun' we are going to have outside. I duck out of his grasp and smack him on the back of his head. He wails to 'Mommy' that I hit him and Kyoya smirks.

"She doesn't like physical contact."

"She lets you touch her!" He argues and I snort.

"He touches me for very different reasons, Tamaki."

Tamaki pales as he looks between us and I bite my lip to hold back laughter.

"O-Okay Hosts, let's go play!" He calls out, herding the rest of the club out the door.

"Should we tag along?" I ask Kyoya once they're gone.

"In a moment, I'd like to show you something."

Kyoya leads me to an empty table and pulls a folder out of his notebook, placing it in front of me. I look over at him in confusion but pull it closer to me. I ask him what it is and he tells me that he sent off samples of my blood and Isamu's that had gotten on my skin. As I got older, I questioned our relation but now that the information is literally at my fingertips, I don't know if I want to see it. If I look, I'll know if I actually had blood related family or not. As much as I can't stand him, he was my brother for years.

"You don't have to open it if you don't want to, but it's there if you want it." He tells me gently.

I take a deep breath and bite my lip before opening the folder. My eyes widen and I turn to Kyoya.

"It says my name is Mia, like he said."

"Yes, there is more to what I wanted to discuss with you. When they ran your blood, it connected you to a name and I was able to research it further."

I nod and realize my hands are shaking as I look down at the first paper.

"Mia Costanza and Daniel Reicht are not related... So he's not my brother. Then who is he?" I ask.

Kyoya pulls the paper away and tells me that the rest of his findings are in the folder.

"Just know that this contains information that might hurt you, so if you don't want to read it, don't. This will tell you everything about yourself."

His hand gently holds mine and I squeeze it lightly.

"I-I've always wanted to know who I really was. My whole childhood is on a piece of paper now."

Kyoya pulls me onto his lap and moves the folder in front of us.

"Thank you for finding this for me." I mumble as I kiss his forehead. "Did you read it?"

"No, I told you that I wouldn't look into your private life. I won't look at it unless you told me to."

"I'd told you not to look into my past either, but I'll forgive you this time."

I look down at the folder and start to read it out loud.

"Mia Alice Elizabeth Costanza, born to Allison Porter and James Costanza of Los Angeles, California on June 21, 1989. So I'm sixteen. An Amber Alert was filed for Mia Costanza on December 5, 1998... Mia was last seen getting off the school bus at the 3rd Street bus stop in the Brentwood area. The babysitter witnessed a black car driving up to the curb and heard Mia scream but the car left before she could intervene and Mia was gone. She was able to relay the license plate number to authorities but the search turned up empty as the car had been stolen earlier that day. Searches continued nonstop for months with no sign of Mia. The investigation is ongoing but searches have been suspended. Anyone with information is..."

I put the paper down and close my eyes to try to calm my trembling hands and racing heart.

"I was kidnapped... I'm a missing person. They probably think I'm dead... Why don't I remember any of this?"

"Sometimes in traumatic situations people suppress memories." Kyoya explains, hugging me tightly.

"But where does Isa- Daniel come into this? Who is he?"

"I looked into him as well. The paper is in there as well."

I place a shaky hand on the police report and move it away and my eyes fall on a picture of a little girl with light brown hair and bright teal eyes. She's standing beside a sign for a bus stop, grinning wildly with a backpack on her shoulders and a notebook in her arms. It must've been a first day of school photo or something. My hand drifts up to my hair. Isamu... Daniel always made sure my hair was dyed. He told me it was to make sure the adopted family couldn't recognize me. I'd picked up the habit myself after I left him and it'd been so long I didn't remember what color it originally was. I move the picture aside and look down at the record for Daniel Reicht and read it aloud.

"Daniel Reicht, born August 1, 1980... Arrested at age twelve for vandalism, thirteen for casual exchange and possession. Reicht was sent away to a juvenile detention center at fourteen after involvement in a gang related shooting. After his release at fifteen, he was arrested six more times on various charges including: grand theft, drug charges, and arson. After failure to contact his probation officer in December 1988, no one has been able to locate him. He is considered a person of interest in the case of missing child Mia Costanza. Any information..." I trail off and bite my lip. "Daniel is the one who kidnapped me..."

"I'm sorry." Kyoya mumbles as he holds me close to him. "I didn't know what was in the file."

"It's okay. I needed to know. My parents... are they alive?"

"I will look into it."

I nod, the lump in my throat making me unable to speak. A droplet falls onto my arm and I wipe at my eyes to remove the evidence of me crying. I don't cry. Kyoya's hand drifts to my hair as he runs his hand through it to soothe me. A few minutes later I sniffle and wipe away my tears again before tucking the folder into my backpack. I get to my feet and hold my hand out to him.

"Let's go kick a can or whatever it is those idiots are doing."  

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