Family Ties

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 Being at the Host Club today is exhausting, to say the least. Kyoya decided to suspend my male hosting for the time being, given that one of the clients is connected to my brother. To occupy my time, I've been serving sugar free snacks to the girls. Honey has a cavity, so it seems, and Kyoya outlawed sweets until he goes to have it fixed. As I push the cart, I feel the weight of the guns strapped to my thighs under my skirt. I feel so much safer having them on me, but I'm on edge today. This marks a month to the day since Isamu issued his threat. I hadn't seen or heard from him so maybe his threat was empty. I still can't be too careful.

Kyoya and I are... well, complicated. We never quite defined what we were after our kiss in my room and such but away from the others, we've been spending time together and getting closer. I hadn't told Haruhi yet, but I imagine that she knows because she keeps giving me looks every time I get near Kyoya. My phone chirps and I pause, looking across the room at Kyoya. He's occupied with his notebook though. I check the message and my heart drops. I abandon my cart and move over to Kyoya to show him the message. His eyes narrow as he pushes his glasses back up. He walks over to Tamaki and quietly tells him something that causes Tamaki to stand and apologize to the guests that we have to close early. He of course promises for extended hours next time. Though confused and disappointed, they leave fairly quickly and Haruhi closes the doors. The hosts gather around me as Kyoya stands beside me, all asking what's going on.

"He's coming. I want you all to leave. I promise not to destroy the club room but I don't want any of you here while he is. It's too dangerous." I explain.

"But it's not too dangerous for you? We don't want to leave you alone with this guy. What if something happens and we can't protect you?" Tamaki argues.

"We grew up together. I know how he fights and thinks. I can handle it. If you're that worried about me, Honey and Mori can hide out in a nearby room and if things get too sketchy they can come out."

"We want to stay and help you!" The twins cut in.

I run a hand down my face and sigh. "Just get out of here before he shows up."

"Too late."

I curse as my eyes fall on my brother leaning against the doors to the Host Club. I tell the members to get back and stay out of it, since they can't do anything else now. Isamu grins at me as he pushes away from the door and matches my steps forward.

"I told your little lackey that I wasn't coming back to you so you're wasting your time. Get out of here before I kick your sorry ass." I growl.

"I heard but, dear little sister, you're simply in denial. Just think about it, you could be with your family again. I'm all you have, Mia, remember?"

"You're not my family. You're a lowlife piece of scum."

"That's funny, coming from a murderer. Or did you forget what you are since you've been hanging out with these prep school idiots? You let them turn you into a stupid servant to them. I just want to help you back into your former glory." He reaches out his hand for me to take.

I look at him then back at the Hosts. My eyes meet Kyoya's and I look away. I turn back to Isamu and sigh before grabbing his hand. I hear the more vocal hosts freaking out behind me but I block it out. Isamu grins, his dark red eyes alight in victory. I grin back at him as I tighten my grip and jerk him toward me while bringing my free hand up to punch him in the face.

"You're an idiot if you think that I would ever join you. You tried to kill me the day Shay died. I needed someone to be there for me because I watched her die. You were my brother and you tried to kill me because she didn't give you the Roses!"

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now