Hosting Pt 1

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The following morning, I wake up early and grin. This is the beginning of my three day break from working for Kyoya. Sadly, poor Sayu is stuck taking care of Kyoya during my breaks. Even though I feel bad for her, I wouldn't trade places. Today I only have to deal with the Host Club, then I get two days off from them. I'll hide away in here and nurse my bottle of whiskey for the weekend. A knock at the door draws my attention but I choose not to answer them, instead I roll over and pull the covers further over myself. The knocks sound again then the door opens. I keep my breathing calm and continue to stare at the far wall.

"I know you're not asleep." Kyoya's voice rings through the space.

"It's my day off, what do you want?" I grumble, sitting up and facing him.

I quietly curse as the sheet falls down, revealing that I slept in just a bra covering my top half. I don't bother to cover myself, knowing that he wouldn't look, and if he did, it's just Kyoya. He would probably just record the type and color of bra and my boob size in his stupid little notebook. I raise a brow as I wait for his answer.

"Despite it being your day off from working here, you are still employed by the Host Club for the day."

I notice that he's not looking at me anymore but seems to be focused on keeping his eye on the ceiling above me. I smirk slightly because I know it's bothering him that I'm almost exposed.

"I am aware. I'm usually brought to the school after hours."

"Since you are actually hosting today, you will accompany me to school and stay in the club room throughout the day to work on being... not you."

"Gee, thanks for the confidence. I guess I should get ready, but I'm not wearing the uniform until it's time for club hours."

I get to my feet and cross the room to my closet. I did actually wear a pair of shorts to bed, so I'm more covered on the bottom. I start to fish through the clothing and toss a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white striped tank top onto the bed before going into the bathroom to shower. I return and realize that Kyoya is still inside my room, leaning against the wall next to my door.

"So are you going to stand in here and look at me naked or are you going to get out?" I ask. "As I said before, if you wanted my body all you had to do is ask. I'd still say no but the thought is there."

He gives me an annoyed look but slips out of the room, the door clicking shut behind him. I quickly get dressed before pulling my whiskey bottle out from my bag under the bed. As I take a long sip, the door opens again and I hear him sigh.

"Save it. You agreed I could drink on my days off. This is technically a day off. I'm not going to get drunk, I just wanted the sip so I can deal with your rag-tag group of misfits." I tell him before putting the bottle away and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth, apply a thin layer of makeup, and brush out my hair. I'm not fond of the black color I'd chosen, but I can go back to different colors after I'm free I suppose.

I unscrew the caps on my contact case and glance up briefly in the mirror to find him leaning in the doorway.

"You like to hover, don't you? Oh wait, I've got it. You couldn't resist seeing me partially covered earlier and now you're able to trap me here in my bathroom."

His eyelid twitches in annoyance and I smirk as I refocus on applying my contacts.

"Why do you change your eye color?" He asks.

"Obviously I am a criminal and appearance shifts are commonplace to keep anonymity, and naturally the use of contacts covers my true eye color."

Thinking back on it, he hadn't seen my true eye color. He didn't look me in the eyes this morning because I wasn't dressed either time. When I looked in the mirror at him he was looking down at his phone. I look down at the smaller mirror on the counter and put the brown contacts in place.

"What is your true eye color?" He asks.

"As far as you know, it could be anything." I answer as I pull a section of bangs back from each side of my face.

"That's why I asked." He retorts.

"Well, it's all the information you need to know." I shoot back, turning around to face him. "I'm not going to give you information on myself so you can use it to track me down, blackmail me, have me arrested, or use it for some other twisted idea you've got brewing in that head of yours."

I move to walk past him but he blocks the doorway. I look up at him with an impatient expression on my face and ask what he wants. He doesn't answer me and I sigh, telling him to move instead and reminding him that he has school to get to.

"I want to learn more about you." He finally says.

"Why? For the reasons I listed before?"

"You're different."

"Of course I'm different. I'm a criminal. A thief, a contract killer. I don't exactly fit into your world of princesses, heiresses and airheads. But, unlike them, my life is way more complicated than anyone could hope to understand. There are some things that I don't even know about myself anymore..." I sigh and look back up at him. "Move or I'll move you. I want to get this day over with."

Kyoya moves out of the way and I grab a pair of white tennis shoes from the closet floor. After grabbing a small bag from under the bed, I put my phone, laptop, and a notebook into it. If I'm trapped in the Host room all day, I'm going to entertain myself. 

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