Night Terrors

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A/N: There is a short POV jump toward the bottom of this chapter. It'll be clearly marked. :)

After a short conversation in his bedroom, we join most of the Host Club in the main room where they decide to look for Haruhi and Tamaki as they were apparently alone together. If they were anything like the people I knew on the streets, they're likely to be found in a private, compromising situation. My suspicions are confirmed when the door is opened to reveal Tamaki blindfolding Haruhi and giving her earplugs to block out the sounds. A smirk crosses my face as I part the crowd and disappear. They can deal with that mess on their own.

I step out onto the back porch and curl up on the railing so I can watch the storm overtake the world around me. I didn't fear them in the slightest. I'd counted myself lucky during my crime days as the storm meant less foot traffic and the rain meant the evidence would wash away. Now it's just a bitter reminder of my life. I lean my head back against the wooden post and sigh, wondering if I hadn't been caught where my life would be. If I wasn't killed by now, I'd likely be out right now prowling the city streets looking for my hit. My guns would be safely tucked into the garters on my thighs, the cool metal reassuring me that Shay would protect me somehow. I wouldn't be caught up in the lives of a bunch of school kids, that's for sure. I would've never questioned my life and where I was heading with it. Now these kids have messed my head up, whether I'll admit it out loud or not. I'm second guessing myself and my life. More emotions have come to the surface since I met them than I knew I was even capable of having. I told my past to someone for the first time ever, I confided in someone my deepest, darkest secrets and trusted them to keep them. The man who started my drastic lifestyle change. The old me would've grabbed her bag while everyone was occupied and slipped off into the night, never to be seen again. Part of me wants to be her again. To be the free Akahana, the wind in her hair, a fire in her eyes that couldn't be dulled, free from the stress of the nightmares that have plagued me every time I've tried to sleep since I talked to Kyoya that night. The things I'd repressed for so long have come back in full force and I don't know how to fight back. Maybe I should disappear, get out while I can, before these kids have their lives ruined by being tangled up with me. Maybe I could find a way to get the memories to leave me alone, score some sleeping pills from a dealer and get the kind of sleep you don't remember. My decision made, I go to get off the railing but a voice in the shadows stops me.

"What is bothering you? You've acted different for over a week now."

"It's nothing, Kyoya. I was just going to bed." I mutter, sliding off the rail, my feet making an almost inaudible sound as they hit the wood. "Speaking of, I intend on sleeping on the couch tonight as Haruhi's stomach issues are something I want no part of, besides the bed isn't big enough for both of us."

"You can stay in my room if you'd like. The bed would be much more comfortable than the couch."

"I'll sleep on the floor. It's much more comfortable. I don't trust you as far as I could throw you, but I'd rather take my chances with you than be in the open for the Hosts to do whatever it is they could possibly do to me. Thank you."

As nice as leaving sounded, I know he would be able to track me within seconds of learning of my departure. I offer him a small smile as I pass him and head back into the house. He was the main source of my newly found issues.

When I enter the house again I note that the other hosts are already in their rooms for the night, then realize that it's almost midnight. I sneak back into the room I was supposed to share with Haruhi to steal my bag. I change into a pair of sleep pants and a tank top before grabbing my pillow and leaving the room to go to Kyoya's. I feel as if I am going to regret my decision to stay with him even if I will be on the floor. As I enter the room, my eyes fall on Kyoya who is in the process of taking off his shirt. Why does life seem to want me to see Kyoya naked? I don't want to see that. I scowl and avert my gaze, clearing my throat to get his attention.

"Does my torso bother you?" He asks, amusement laced in his tone.

"No, I'm just convinced that you are wanting to find a way to get me to see you naked. You're almost always stripping when I enter your room."

I toss my pillow onto the floor and quickly snatch his blanket from the bed and lay it on the floor. He sighs in response and I smirk.

"Well, goodnight I suppose. Don't take that as a friendly gesture because I still can't stand you and your pompous attitude."

"Likewise." He mutters but I can hear the joking tone in his voice.

I settle into my spot on the floor and a moment later the lamp turns off. I doubt I'll get sleep but atleast I can relax.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- POINT OF VIEW CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Kyoya POV

I wake up to a voice and I growl in annoyance as I peek an eye open. I sit up as I remember that Akahana is sleeping on the floor in my room and I turn the lamp on. She's still asleep but she looks distressed. Whatever she's dreaming about isn't pleasant. I sit up as she starts to talk in her sleep.

"Please... I don't want to do this, it hurts..."

Her face contorts in fear and I frown.

"Stop it!" She cries out and I get out of the bed to kneel beside her and wake her up. "Stop it please... I'm sorry... No!"

I reach down to gently nudge her and her eyes open suddenly as she sits up.

"Are you alri-"

"Don't touch me." She mutters and I realize that she's still half-asleep, her wide eyes glazed over.

"It's okay, it's just me." I tell her as I hesitantly reach my hand out again.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me..." She scrambles back away from me with tears flooding her eyes.

As her back hits the wall she gasps and seems to fully wake up.


"You were having a nightmare."

She doesn't say anything but she crosses the small space between us and hugs me tightly as her tears soak my shoulder. I hesitantly pick her up and sit on the bed with her in my lap. I let one of my hands run through her hair to calm her down.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"It's alright. What were you dreaming about?"

"Ever since I told you everything, every time I close my eyes all of the memories come back in the worst ways. I haven't slept for days..."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pried to get you to tell me."

"I needed to face my past at some point... I don't regret telling you about it, I just want it to stop."

"It will." I tell her in an attempt to reassure her.

"Promise?" She looks up at me with hopeful eyes and I offer a thin smile before nodding.

I've never seen her looking so broken and vulnerable and it's sad.

"I promise."

"Thank you."

I look down at her again and realize that she's not wearing contacts. Her eyes are a bright teal color. They're actually quite beautiful. I brush her hair back away from her face and gently lean down, closing the distance between us. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now