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A/N: I couldn't find an anime picture that matched my needs, but the pic above is the color of her hair now, but is still shoulder length.

"Why don't you wear it and tell me if you feel cheap or not?"
I hold out the revolting outfit toward Kyoya who seems to be holding back an amused chuckle at my annoyance. The Host Club uniform that he gave me the following afternoon was definitely inappropriate, even by my standards. He eyes the clothing before pushing his glasses back up.
"You would have to take that issue up with the twins, they were the ones that purchased it for you."
I arch a brow and mull over the new information. I push past Kyoya and stick my head out into the main club room. My eyes land on the twins and I call out for them to come over. They slink over to me and ask if I like their outfit choice.
"Oh certainly, I just had a little deal for the both of you. Follow me."
                    Several minutes later, I emerge from the changing room, dressed in an Ouran blazer and a black skirt. Trailing behind me is Kaoru in his uniform and an angry Hikaru dressed in a poofy mid-thigh length baby-doll dress that mimics the school uniform. I grin triumphantly and lean against the wall next to Kyoya. He looks up from his notebook and shakes his head at the sight of the crossdressing twin.
"Are you satisfied?" He asks.
"Quite. This outfit is so much more comfortable. So what am I supposed to be doing here?"
"When the guests arrive, serve tea, cakes, cookies, and be polite."
"That sounds dreadfully boring."
He ignores me and moves over to Tamaki while my eyes track Hikaru as he disappears into the changing room again with a new uniform. A few minutes later, the Host Club is in place and I'm told to open the doors.
                              I watch as the girls flood the room, squealing and giggling over the Hosts as they head toward their tables. I know a little of what goes on at the Host Club from my times of sneaking in but I never paid much attention to what the Host Club truly entails. As I push the treat cart around to the different tables, I hear the girls gushing over the Hosts and the horrid attempts at flattery they get in response. It doesn't bother me too badly until I pass by the table where the twins are sitting and I catch part of something. The twins are tangled up in each other, caressing cheeks and are practically mouth to mouth. I arch a brow and snort in an attempt to not laugh out loud. The twins turn to me and discreetly scowl before slipping back into their personas. I ask about refreshments and a cheerful blonde asks for tea.
"So, who are you?" She asks casually, and I remember that I wasn't introduced to the visitors.
"This is Akahana, she's an old acquaintance of mine that wanted to help out with the Host Club." Kyoya answers from behind me, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere.
"It's nice to meet you." I tell her, offering the closest thing to a polite smile that I can muster.
She ignores me but instead tells Kyoya how thoughtful and nice he is for allowing me to help. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and pour her tea before moving on. One day down, about a hundred more to go. I just wonder how things will be when I'm working at Kyoya's home.
                                When the girls are herded out the doors, I slip out of the room to change back into my street clothes while they held their meeting for the following day. I come back into the room while running a brush through my hair that is now colored a deep midnight blue. The small blond notices my entry first and smiles at me before asking why I colored my hair. I shrug as I lean back against a column and tell him I wanted change.
"But why blue?" One of the twins asks.
"To be different. Now, return to your little meeting. Take as long as you like." I mutter the last part under my breath, knowing that once Kyoya and I left, I'd be thrust into servitude at his home as well. Complete with a maid uniform.
"Actually Aka-chan, we just finished for the day! You did well by the way, but you should smile more!" The little one cheers, coming up to hug me before skipping away with the tall quiet one.
                                On the limo ride back to Kyoya's mansion, I keep my eyes glued to the window and my mouth shut despite feeling his gaze burn into the side of my face. I'm not nervous by any means, but my anger at myself is growing. I keep wondering how I let myself get roped into something like this and letting myself get caught by some random guy. But I'll take my punishment with pride and as soon as the time is up, I'll take off and will settle down far, far away from Kyoya Ootori and his team of weird children. I rub my hand against my forehead in an attempt to control my temper as I finally speak up, informing Kyoya that he was welcome to take a picture if he wanted to look at me that much. My eyes widen as a camera shutter clicks and a flash illuminates the space between us. My mouth falls open in shock and I turn to face him, my now grey eyes narrowing into a glare.
"Are you serious?" I huff.
"You change appearance so often that I feel the need to keep record of the different hair and eye colors you use." He explains casually.
I stay silent and shake my head before turning away again.
"It makes me wonder what you look like underneath all of it."
"I look like the embodiment of Hell itself. You wouldn't be able to handle it." I retort quietly, biting back a chuckle.
                            The limo pulls up to the doors and I get out before the chauffeur could open the door for me and make my way toward the door. Kyoya moves past me and the doors are opened by two maids. I follow behind him but the two girls hold out their arms to bar me from going further. They offer bright smiles at me before informing me that I'm to go with them to change and start training. I didn't know you had to get trained to scrub someone's toilet. I voice that thought and the girls look back at me and giggle behind their free hands, the other hands being used to drag me quickly through the house.
"When working for the rich and powerful, there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything."

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now