Talks of Home

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 I sit at a table in the Host Club room with Kyoya, trying to sort out a trip to California. The other Hosts are finishing up with their final clients of the day so they're out of my way. With how tired Kyoya was when we left the department store, we weren't able to talk about my trip and phone call with my father until today after their schooling started back. He was happy that I'd gotten the nerve to call my father but seems worried about me going to California alone.

"You need to attend school, Kyoya, these idiots would fall apart in a second without you." I remind him.

"We could always come with you Mi-chan."

I look over at Honey, surprised that he called me something other than Aka-chan.

"Sorry Honey, but no. This is a personal thing." I tell him, patting his head reassuringly.

"Come on Mia-" Hikaru starts as he slings an arm over my shoulder.

"-It would be fun to go to California. I'm sure your dad would love us." Kaoru finishes.

I shrug them off and send a warning look to Kyoya to have them back off. Before he can say anything, Tamaki appears on the other side of the table with stars in his eyes.

"Your Daddy can meet your real Daddy! We could share stories and-"

"None of you are going with me!" I snap, getting to my feet. "I know you guys like to insert yourselves into everything that doesn't involve you, but not this. I was kidnapped, stolen from my family as a child. I have a chance to meet my father and I'm not going to let you guys mess with it, okay? You guys are great and all, but-"

"You have a tendency to go overboard and things gets messed up. She's right, you know." Haruhi finishes for me.

"Thank you Haruhi. If anyone is going with me it'd be Kyoya and I told him that you guys need him here."

The Hosts look deflated at my insistence that they don't come but I push it aside, knowing it needed to be said.

I sit back down and attempt to finish the planning alone as they hold a small meeting. I anticipate being gone for a week at most, and I'll stay at a hotel nearby. I'll visit and hopefully get to know my father while I'm there. I'll explain to him what happened so he will finally know what went on and maybe visit Mom's grave. I'll get to learn about myself finally.

"I would like to come with you." Kyoya tells me as he returns to his seat beside me.

"But what about school and the Host Club? Besides, I'm sure that your father wouldn't be happy that his son took off to California with his maid."

"He barely pays attention. The school and club should be fine without me for a few days."

"It would be nice to have someone with me through this. I guess I can tolerate you hanging around for a while." I mutter as I lean onto his shoulder.

"I guess I can tolerate you as well." He kisses my head and I smile.

"So, we leave tomorrow, yeah?"

"Tomorrow it is."

"Oh, I have one condition to you coming with me."

"And what would that be?"

"You have to ride home on the motorcycle with me."

Fifteen minutes later I open the door to Kyoya's room to reveal a very disgruntled boyfriend. I try to hold back a laugh but it escapes anyway and he glares at me before readjusting his glasses. I may or may not have gone down the road at 144 kilometers per hour (90 mph) the entire way home. I close the door and cross the room to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head against his chest.

"I'm sorry." I mumble as I try not to laugh again.

"You put your safety at risk."

"I was perfectly fine, Kyoya. You were just afraid for yourself."

"I hate that bike of yours. It's a death trap."

"How can I make it up to you?" I ask as I make him sit down on one of the couches.

Not for the first time, I remind myself of how ridiculously huge and unnecessary this house is. I voice that thought and he chuckles.

"We have a larger one in London." He tells me.

"You know what the biggest home I remember living in? That little apartment down from Haruhi's. I lived in perfect comfort and it was practical."

"For someone who needed a small place that could be packed up and moved at a moment's notice, obviously. Two people could barely survive in there." He argues.

"If you were a rich person used to excess space, perhaps. Let me guess, when you picture your future you find yourself in a sprawling mansion like this?"

"Do you find yourself living in a shack?"

"Actually, no." I reply, being fully honest. I'd always pictured a certain house when I thought about it. The big unattainable home.

"Then what?" He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"A Victorian style house, like the ones in America. Purple paint on the outside, black trim. Covered porch and wrought iron fence. Four bedrooms, matching bathrooms, a large library and a workout room. There's more to it, but you get my meaning."

"You really had that thought out."

"There's a lot of time to think when you're alone." I mumble.

"You're not alone anymore."

"Thanks to you." I lean in and our lips meet.

Just before sunrise, I sneak into Kyoya's room and attempt to wake him up. Nothing happens and I sigh, so I continue to gently poke him. One of his eyes opens and focuses on me. I gently tell him that he needs to get ready so we can get on the jet. His response is to pull me into the bed with him and go back to sleep. I laugh but continue to try to get him to wake up.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" He grumbles, his breath tickling my ear.

"We have to go to California, remember? You could always stay here and deal with the Hosts for a week."

"Can I have five more minutes?" he sighs, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Only five, then you have to get up or I'll leave you behind." 

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