New Opportunities

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               My mouth falls open involuntarily as I look at Kyoya in disbelief. Haruhi had managed to wake Tamaki so they can begin their club time and he interrupted our conversation so I had to tell him that it was for a bet with the twins. He spent twenty minutes in his corner growing mushrooms. Meh, it happens. What bothered me was Kyoya's idea after my success with Tamaki.

"Why the hell would I agree to that? What the hell makes you think it would even be a possibility!?" I grind out, keeping my voice low.

"It would increase the revenue of the Host Club and based off the amount of requests you could bring in, that would lower your debt faster."

I bite my lip and scowl. The thought of getting out of servitude faster does sound appealing, but acting like some love-struck airhead for a bunch of men sounds absolutely terrible. I'll have to work it to my advantage, sweeten the deal.

"If I agree to this, I get one extra day off from being a maid. I'll keep the two from the club since it covers the weekend."

He pushes his glasses back up as he scribbles something in that god-forsaken notebook. One day I will read the contents of that book. Maybe he writes erotica in it. I'm sure his father would love that. Kyoya nods after thinking it over and I force him to voice the agreement, then quickly draft a paper copy of our agreement for him to sign. Afterward he gives me a clipboard and tells me to visit the other clubs around the school and inform them of the new trial of a female host that will begin tomorrow and invite males to come by and join. I'm supposed to collect names while I'm going around to reserve time slots. Why me?

As I go to leave the room, I hear the twins starting up a strange game called "Which One of Us is Hikaru?" apparently. I shake my head as they put on matching caps to cover the parts in their hair and twirl around each other repeatedly. The club nearest to me is the Black Magic Club, and as much as I enjoy Nekozawa's presence, I know he wouldn't be interested in attending, so I turn the other way and start my trek through the halls. The criminal in me itches to just ditch the clipboard and rush back to the Ootori home to grab my belongings and disappear, but I know his family is capable of finding me with ease. I'd have to burn down every place I've been in this town to remove DNA traces and destroy the limos, and the Host's clothing. Too much fire, I'm no arsonist. I stumble upon a music club, to my surprise and politely knock on the edge of the open door.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm with the Host Club and we are trying a new thing at the club starting tomorrow. I will be hosting for men and I hope to see you guys there. If any of you princes want to visit me tomorrow, please sign this." I give a bright fake smile as I look at the few men settled around the room.

To my surprise, all of them get up and sign the paper. I greet each in turn, introducing myself as Yumi and telling them that I couldn't wait to see them. As I head toward the next club, I blow them all a kiss from the doorway and promptly gag once I'm out of sight down the hall. I will need so much whiskey after this.

When I return to the club room with three sheets full of interested clients, I realize the twins are in the middle of a big argument that seems to be centered around Haruhi. I raise a brow and hand the clipboard to Kyoya, then ask him what happened. He answers my question with a vague explanation and I roll my eyes in response. It's not my problem. He tells me that I did well and leaves me to set up a time sheet for my new potential clients. Atleast I won't have to be their dog anymore. An hour or so later, Kyoya tells me that we can leave now and I follow him out of the room and away from everyone.

The ride home starts peacefully with me gazing out of the tinted window but the peace is shattered when he asks me who 'she' was. I know instantly who he is speaking of and a frown crosses my face as I look at him in the reflection of the glass. I sigh and choose not to answer his question. The less information he has on me, the better, even though nothing about Shay could directly connect to me. I run a hand through my hair and curse myself before opening my mouth.

"Her name was Shay. She took my brother and I in at one point and before she passed, she gave me the Roses." I answer simply.

His hand twitches toward the notebook laying on the seat next to him and I glare at him.

"If you so much as touch that notebook right now I will shove it down your throat before you can even blink." I growl. "None of that information will go anywhere except for the thin air in this car."

He gives me a defiant look and places his hand on the sleek black book to pick it up. In an instant I'm straddling his lap, the book clasped in my hand. I toss it behind me and it smacks the back of my seat.

"I told you that information will not leave the verbal realm."

"Despite your criminal background, I do not fear you in any way, shape, or form." He answers evenly.

"You shouldn't fear me. You should be terrified. I'll become your worst nightmare."

His expression darkens into a glare before suddenly shifting into slight amusement.

"Regardless, you've put yourself in quite the compromising position. If you wanted me that badly, you could've simply asked."

I glance down to find that my skirt had hiked up a little higher on my thighs and that I was indeed still straddling him, our bodies only a couple inches away from each other.

"Don't flatter yourself, Ootori." I hiss before retreating to my seat.

As I sit down, I pick up the notebook with intent to flip through it, but he takes it from my hand as the car comes to a stop. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now