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A/N: Above is her brother Isamu and Yuki the kitty. 

                        I open my eyes at the sound of voices in the room. As I sit up, my hands automatically reach for my guns but I remember at the last second that they're gone and instead search for the source. My body aches like I'd been hit by a truck. My mood quickly sours when my eyes fall on the Host Club. Tamaki notices me first and his face pales before he tucks himself behind the tall dark haired boy. All eyes turn to me and I fix a glare at them in return. The twins raise their eyebrows as they take in my appearance before commenting that I looked like crap. I raise a one-finger salute in their direction before hearing Haruhi say something under her breath to the Ootori. He turns to me and pushes up his glasses with one finger then crosses the room toward me. I glare at him and tell him to back up but he doesn't listen. He gets close to me and I scramble backward, hissing at him through the pain to back away. He sighs in response and proceeds to move closer. 

"I will end you Ootori, impasse or not." I threaten.
"With your attitude yesterday, I didn't think you to be such a coward."
"I'll show you 'coward'!" I growl, launching myself at the man.
                     In one swift move, he catches my good arm and lifts me carefully into the air. I cry out in pain from my ribs and he smirks.
"Haruhi asked me to look at your injuries. If you attack me I will drop you."
"Who said I wanted you to look at me? Feel free to drop me, then I can kick your butt anyway."
His hand releases me and quickly catches me again, sending jolts of pain through my body.
"Wow, you guys are great." I call back to the rest of the Hosts. "A young girl is obviously injured and you stand by and watch as this idiot man-handles me. Great job, fantastic."
"We could always rescue you-"
"-And you can come with us." The twins croon, moving toward me.
I curl a lip in disgust and refocus my attention to the Ootori.
"Listen Kid, let me down. I don't need medical attention. A book and tabletop do just fine, right Haruhi? Besides, I have things to do."
               The dark haired boy lets go of me and I rub my wrist gingerly while glaring up at him. Why does he have to be so tall? I stomp on his fancy leather shoe and walk over to everyone else. They all look at me cautiously and I grin, enjoying their fear. I thank Haruhi for letting me crash with her and tell her I'm leaving. I mock salute them all and call out for them to stay in school as I head toward the door. A hand rests gently on my shoulder and I look up to find the other dark haired boy staring down at me.
"You need to be looked at." He says simply.
"Alright Kiddos, let's get this straight. Yesterday, you came into my home without permission and I threatened to kill you, with guns. Now you suddenly want to make sure I'm not hurt too badly? You've got to be kidding me. If I still had my guns, I could kill all of you without hesitation. I'm not friends with you, you're not friends with me. I'm only here because I had something to gain from it. Goodbye."
I shrug my shoulder out of his grip and leave the apartment before anyone else can say or do anything.
               After stealing a doughnut from a convenience store, I make my way down the sidewalk, formulating a plan for confronting my brother. Knowing him, he'll be gone again at nightfall so I have to act fast. My planning skills are terrible, they always have been. So I decide to do what I do best. I make my way purposefully through the city toward his typical hang out. Along the way I stop a thug hanging out in the alley and steal a knife and gun from him before reaching the warehouse. I knock on the door and it swings open to reveal a tall, dark haired man with a lot of muscles glaring down at me. I smile sweetly at him and wave.
"Hey there, I'm selling Scout cookies, would you like some?"
"I don't see any cookies." He retorts, squinting at me.
"Scout cookies!? I want some!" I hear a voice from inside the warehouse.
"They're right here." I grin, pulling the gun out and training it at his forehead.
His eyes widen slightly as I push my way forward and past him.
                      My eyes wander around the room before landing on a man sprawled out across the couch, his shaggy dark hair in his face and a snow white cat on his chest. Without opening his eyes, he asks the bodyguard if he got the cookies or not. I smirk and clear my throat as I stand by the arm of the couch at his feet, gun trained at him. His bright red eyes flick open and an identical smirk crosses his face as he sits up slowly while moving the cat to his lap.
"Hello there Imouto. To what do I owe the pleasure? Did you get cookies?"
"Oh, I've just come to kill you, that's all." I answer.
"Why?" He asks, raising his brow. "Also, you look like hell."
"You broke into my house, destroyed it, robbed me TWICE, made me lose my apartment, then on my way to kill you the first time, I got attacked and lost everything else I own, including the Roses."
"You lost the Roses? Shame on you. Shay would be horrified." He mutters as he gets to his feet. "She shouldn't have given them to you."
"Don't bring her into this!" I shout, cocking the gun.
He grins and steps toward me, letting the barrel of the gun press against his chest.
"I knew she shouldn't have given them to you. I fixed that problem though."
He snaps his fingers and a lanky blond comes out of another room, holding the guns, my guns. I recognize the blond as one of the men that attacked me.
"You had your lackeys attack me to steal the guns and leave me for dead?! I'm going to kill you!"
"If you were really going to kill me, you would've done so when I was on the couch with my eyes closed." He snaps his fingers again and two sets of arms wrap around mine and drag me backward before forcing me to my knees while a third person yanks the gun from my hand.
"Hey Isamu, what do you want me to do with these two?" Another voice calls out from the main door.
                         I suppress an annoyed scream when two auburn haired boys are forced to their knees on either side of me.
"If we make it out of here alive, I will kill both of you." I hiss, glaring in turn at each of them. "What are you even doing here?"
"We got bored. So, what's going on here?"
"Aw, Imouto, did you make friends? They look a little like preppy rich kids. Didn't think that was your type."
"They're annoyances that won't leave me alone. Kill them if you want, I don't care."
"Hey!" The twins cry out, insulted by my nonchalance.
I sigh. "Let the kids go, Isamu. They're not worth much but I'm sure you'd rather avoid being hunted down by their family's special forces."
                 Isamu remains quiet for a moment before calling the cat over from the couch. He's really not taking me seriously. I'm so going to kill him. The white fluffy kitten makes it's way over to him and he scoops her up into his arms. While he's doing that, I focus my attention on the twins and make a quiet plan.
"When I give you the signal, run like hell. Get out of here and don't look back."
"Who is he?"
"My brother, the one who broke into my house and apparently arranged the attack on me. Now, remember what I said. Get out."
They nod and I take a deep breath before putting my impromptu plan into action. I force myself to my feet, head-butting the man holding me, hitting his jaw painfully. I ignore the pain and roundhouse kick the two holding the twins and watch as they stare at me in awe. I stare at them pointedly and motion for them to get the hell out.
"Whoa, you're kinda cool." They mutter, making no move to go.
I sigh and focus my attention on my brother and kick him in the chest.
He lifts the cat above his head before I could hit it and my kick only pushes him back a few inches.
"You're brave all of a sudden, aren't you? You can feel free to attack me, but do not hurt Yuki."
"Then put the cat down so I can tear your lungs out through your throat."     

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