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A/N: I don't own the image in any way, shape, or form. All credit goes to the artist. 
A/N: Pic above is what I picture Mia's parents to look like.

 Ouran Academy has finally started their summer vacation, meaning a nice little vacation for myself away from Hosting and responsibilities. Despite still having to keep up with being a maid at his home, Kyoya has given me the duration of their vacation off from working at the home as well. Completely responsibility free until they return to Ouran. It's blissful. I close my book as I hear Kyoya's phone going off across the room. I get to my feet and cross the room as he pulls it from his shirt pocket. I'm still waiting to find out about my birth parents.

"Mommy!" I hear a wail from the other end of the phone as Kyoya answers it.

"What is it Tamaki?" He asks, sounding exhausted already.

I rest my chin on his shoulder so I can hear the conversation without risking my hearing.

"Haruhi won't answer my calls or texts! What if she's been kidnapped? We must go save her!"

I snicker quietly. Haruhi and I talk regularly. She's picked up a part-time job in Karuizawa at a pension. I tell Kyoya that information and he relays it to Tamaki and apparently the rest of the Host Club that joined in a conference call. Remind me never to disappear for more than five seconds around Tamaki. I hear the twins and Tamaki panicking and next thing I know Kyoya and I are in a helicopter with the hosts above the pension. I sigh and text Haruhi to apologize in advance.

Once safely on the ground, I apologize to her again while being fussed over by the pension owner, Misuzu who is a crossdresser, like Haruhi's father. I smile at the woman before attempting to shield myself behind Haruhi. I notice Kyoya beside me and practically attach myself to him to keep myself safe from Misuzu's grasp. Haruhi, Kyoya, and I watch as the remainder of the hosts seem to enter a competition to see who is the most 'refreshing', whatever that means. Apparently the winner gets to stay in the last open room at the pension. I look up to Kyoya who tells me that his family has a house nearby. He then asks the two of us who we think will win. Haruhi shrugs and I vote that it'd be the twins because Mori won't stay without Honey and vice versa, and Tamaki seems to always be in his own way. Kyoya agrees and I offer to help Haruhi with the laundry, leaving him to do whatever it is he does when I'm not around.

A short while later, I spot Kyoya talking with Tamaki and I smirk as I realize what he is doing. I slink up beside him and ask what he was talking about after kissing him on the cheek. He tells me that he was simply offering advice. I chuckle softly as I take a seat beside him.

"You know, your advice would be helpful in the underground. Well, helpful but could get you killed. Are you sure you're not secretly a criminal? Thief? Mass murderer? Arsonist? Mob boss?"

"I'm merely one hell of a businessman."

The sound of a piano being played draws my attention and I get up and drag Kyoya toward the source. It's Tamaki, as I figured, playing a tune that seems to be impressing Misuzu. I pause as something pops into my mind. I can see a little girl, myself judging by the appearance, seated at an upright piano, the wall behind it painted a warm golden color. The girl turns to her right and smiles up at a man with shaggy blond hair and red framed glasses. He laughs and ruffles her... my hair, then guides her hands back to the piano. I shake my head to clear the thoughts and realize that Misuzu and the hosts are staring at me with concerned expressions.


"You froze up and stared at the piano, then you started crying. We couldn't get you to react." Tamaki explains as he tries to sweep me into his arms.

Kyoya stops him and pulls me closer to him.

"I'm fine." I mumble.

"Secrets don't make friends Aka-chan!" Honey chimes in.

Despite knowing my true name, Honey still calls me Aka-chan. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"When Tamaki was playing the piano, I think I had a memory come back."

"Ooh, what'd you see?" Tamaki asks, shoving Honey aside to get close to my face.

I push him back with one hand before explaining.

"I saw myself as a kid sitting at a piano with my father. There wasn't much to it."

After convincing everyone that I'm fine, they return to their contest. Kyoya asks if I'm alright again and I nod. I move closer to the piano and sit down, lightly running my fingers over the keys. I bite my lip and place my hands at the resting positions, willing my mind to suddenly remember how to play. I growl in frustration as nothing comes to me. Kyoya's hand rests on my shoulder as he tells me that it'll come back to me someday. I sigh and leave the piano as something shatters outside. A flower pot mysteriously fell and Kaoru saved Haruhi from getting hurt, successfully winning the contest with their brotherly love act right afterward.

During our group dinner, I get a text as Kyoya gets a call. He leaves the table to answer his call and I check my message. It's from Isamu, well Daniel. I consider not opening it, but there's no telling what he's said.

'I'm not through with you yet, Mia. I'll see you again, really soon.'

'Go to Hell. I know who you are, Daniel.' I send back.

Kyoya returns as I put my phone away and I quietly ask if everything is alright. He tells me that we'll discuss it later but nothing is wrong. We eat and chat with everyone until one by one they all leave for their vacation homes. I say goodbye and good luck to Haruhi as we leave her with the twins and I promise her that I'll text her so she can keep her sanity.

After settling in at the house, I find myself sitting on the bed with Kyoya, my head resting on his shoulder. I ask him about what the phone call was at dinner, and he asks about my message first. I assure him that it's nothing dangerous but he doesn't relent until I tell him what it was. A glare darkens his face as I tell him about Daniel's threat but I remind him that he previous threats didn't cause any harm. His finger brushes the area near the spot my stitches used to be and I sigh.

"It didn't cause any significant harm." I clarify. "Whatever he's got up his sleeves, I'll be ready for it."

"It's strange to be around a woman who acts like you after being around the Ouran girls for so long."

"Well, if you like them so much I can turn just as airheaded." I offer, a smirk crossing my face.

"I'd rather you not. I prefer you this way."

"Great. And while you prefer me, you can tell me what your phone call was about."

"I got word back on your parents."

My eyes widen and I sit up to face him. "And?"

"Your mother passed away in a car accident last year. Your father is alive and still lives in your childhood home."

My mind fights over which emotion to let take over. My mother, a woman I didn't remember, I'll never get to meet, but my father, a man I only remember in one memory, is alive. Would I get to meet him? Should I meet him?

"Do you want to go see him soon?" Kyoya asks, seeming to read my mind.

"Oh yeah, and what would I say? Hi I'm your missing daughter. I believed my captor was my brother and I got wrapped up in a serious world of crime. If I'd been caught, my rap sheet would match a phonebook. Now I try to hide my criminal side while being blackmailed into maid service and entertaining men by my boyfriend because I robbed him blind. Let's get to know each other." I chuckle harshly. "He'd kick me out or have me arrested then and there."

"You don't know that. I wouldn't recommend leading with that information though. If you'd like, I can give you the phone number listed for him and you can call him in the morning."

I let him put the number in my cell phone, but I don't know if I'll ever have the courage to talk to him, knowing who I am and what I've done. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now