Los Angeles

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Kyoya and I touchdown at a private airport in Los Angeles, way too many hours later. I let out a yawn as I leave the plane and notice a car waiting for us. I forgot to call my father to let him know we were coming, but I'm sure he'll figure it out. I wait for Kyoya to join me in front of the car before checking my phone for the address the driver will be taking us to. We get in the back of the car as someone loads our luggage into the trunk and I yawn again. We left at dawn and it's two in the morning here.

"Travelling is the work of the devil, I swear." I mumble.

"It was your idea to go." He reminds me and I lightly push him.

"After we stop at the hotel to shower would you like to go for our dinner, their early breakfast?"

"I suppose. I'll check on the Hosts while you shower."

"Remind them to stay in Japan if they value their lives."

Two showers and a phone call later, Kyoya and I walk down the sidewalk in front of our hotel and enter the IHOP that I spotted as we went to the hotel. We settle down in the back corner of the brightly lit diner and wait for a waitress to take our orders. The diner is busier than I thought it would be this early in the morning but we get our food in ten minutes. I begin to eat almost immediately but I notice Kyoya staring at his food questioningly.

"It's just food, it won't kill you. It's actually quite delicious." I tell him between bites of chocolate chip pancakes.


"If you say commoner food, I will hurt you. Just try it. I'm sorry it's not five star fancy but it works."

He raises a brow and delicately cuts a section of his pancake and tries it. I snicker at his facial expression and steal his plate.

"You can't just eat it plain, that's gross."

I put a small amount of butter over the pancake before covering it with syrup.

"Try it now."

He takes a tentative bite and I grin when he takes another.

"It's not bad for commoner food."

"I will hurt you."

After paying for our food, Kyoya and I make our way back to the hotel to relax until it's a more appropriate time to try to meet my father. I take the key from him once the elevator doors open on the top floor, threatening to lock him out of the room for calling pancakes commoner food. I hear him sigh behind me and I laugh as I turn the corner. My laughter dies and the key card hits the floor as my temper flares dangerously. The Host Club, minus Haruhi, is standing in the hall in front of the door to the second penthouse suite. Tamaki notices me first and the smile on his face dies as he notices my expression. Kyoya comes to a stop beside me and his arm wraps around my shoulder, likely to prevent me from attacking his friends.

"They told me they were in the club room when I called." He mumbles.

I shrug off his arm and walk toward them, my fists clenched at my sides.

"What the hell? I told you guys to stay in Japan! I told you that none of this concerns you and you have zero business being here! I can't believe you." I growl, gritting my teeth to stop from screaming.

"We wanted to be here for moral support." Tamaki squeaks out as he ducks behind Mori.

"Screw moral support. You could've done it from back home. This was something important to me and I asked you guys to stay out of it, yet you couldn't wrap your little minds around it. My personal life has nothing to do with you! Stay here if you want, but so help me if you cross my path at all while I am here or you attempt to make any contact with my father, you will sincerely regret ever meeting me."

With that, I walk back to Kyoya to get the key card and enter the hotel room, slamming the door shut behind me. I then slide the card underneath the door so Kyoya can come in when he's ready.

Once the door is closed, I lean against it and sink down to the floor. I draw my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. Why couldn't the Host Club listen to me for once? The one thing I asked them to do, they did the opposite. If they ruin this opportunity for me... I get to my feet and decide to touch up my make up and fix my hair as a distraction from the annoyances outside. I had dyed my hair blonde a week ago and though it was a drastic change from black, blue, bright red, and so on, I like it. I stopped wearing my contacts as well. After lining my eyes in black I attempt a smile in the mirror. I sigh and drop my gaze to the countertop. My face is betraying my nerves. A set of arms wrap around me and I look up to find Kyoya resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Don't be nervous, it'll go fine."

"What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't like me?"

"He's your father, you've been apart for seven years. He was happy to hear from you, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. If he doesn't like you, that's his problem. You've got family back home in Japan."

I frown. "I don't have family in Japan."

"You have the Hosts and you have me."

"That's different, you're not family, you're my boyfriend. The Hosts couldn't even listen to me when I asked them to stay out of this, how could they be my family?"

He sighs and hugs me closer to him. "They are hardheaded and have their stupid moments, but they did this because they want to be there for you and help you. They just go about it the wrong way."

"If they show up later-"

"I know, I warned them. We still have a few hours until we can go, what would you like to do?"

Kyoya and I leave the hotel room and sneak past the Host's room to the elevator. I'm excited but now I've got nervous energy built up. We reach the car and Kyoya relays my father's address to the driver. After we pull away from the curb, my phone goes off. I open it to reveal a video message from Tamaki. I raise a brow but open it and turn the sound up. It starts out with the hosts sitting on one bed and they wave as Honey cheers, telling me good luck and to have fun. I grin and the camera turns to reveal Tamaki who smiles.

"We're sorry for not listening to you, but we wanted to send this as an apology and to wish you good luck and have fun meeting your father. We'll see you when you get back!"

It ends and I shake my head before my eyes widen.

"Kyoya, do I look okay? Is this a proper outfit to meet my father in?"

I look down at my black mid-thigh skirt, black tank top, and navy blue cardigan.

"You look fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You look great."

I take his hand and lace my fingers through his and lightly squeeze. The car stops and I feel my breath catch in my throat.

"We're here." 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now