Chapter 3

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"This is my meal, Sasha!" Sarah yelled, taking the box from Sasha's hands. But Sasha quickly took it back.

"No! It's mine!" Sasha yelled.

Bella and Dave just on the other side of the table, confused out of their lives.

"Did you two order the same thing?" Dave asked.

"We ordered the same burger..." Sasha started., struggling to keep hold of the box.

"... but one box holds the chicken fries." Sarah ended.

"Then just open the box to see which one is yours!"

"Oh..." the twins both said. They open the box to see a burger and chicken fries. "I guess this was yours." Sasha said to Sarah.

"Thank you," Sarah said," Ugh... I swear. One day, you'll be the death of me!"

"Unless your the death of me!" Sasha replied. The two girls laughed.

Dave looked to Bella, who was enjoying a cheeseburger.

What if she doesn't like the idea, he thought, God, why did I decide to spend my lottery allowance on a crappy cabin? But it'll be worth it.

"H-hey... Bella?" Dave asked, getting Bella's attention.

"Yeah? What?" She asked.

"I just, wanted to tell you something really cool! About something I did for all of us during this break!"

"You started the gas leak didn't you?" Sasha interrupted.

"No! Why'd you think that!?" Dave yelled.

"Just a thought. Hehehe... overreact much?"

"Anyway," Dave started again," I got a bit of a large alliance from my grandmother, so I used to rent a cabin!"

"Seriously?!" Bella exclaimed.

"Yeah! It was only, like, a thousand to rent, but the pictures I saw of the landscape is beautiful! And the cabin is pretty large! Almost like a tiny motel! And it's only two hours away! It's perfect!"

"We can come too, right?" Sasha asked.

"Defiantly! And I'll convince George to join us as well."

"This sounds amazing." Bella said, though she couldn't get over the feeling of something wrong.

"Where is this said cabin to be at?" Sarah asked.

"It in a forest," Dave said," a place called... Red Hood Forest."

Bella eyes suddenly went wide. I feeling a fear and sorrow spread through her body.

Red Hood forest....?


"Mommy! Daddy!" Bella screamed, as she was pulled away from her home."mommy! Daddy! Come back! Please!"

Bella was suddenly turned around my the police officer.

"I want to stay with mommy and daddy!" Bella cried.

"Kid," the officer said," you mom and dad... they're gone. You'll need to come to my office for a bit, then we might be able to find you a new mommy and daddy."

"But I don't want a new mommy and daddy!"



Suddenly, from the second she ended her sentence, the officer was flown back onto the ground.

And Bella just continued to cry.

*end of flashback*

That night, Bella thought to herself, I never did tell Dave where it happened, did I?

"Hey bitches!"

The group suddenly turned their heads, just to see Lily and Jake walk up to there table.

"Crap," Sarah whispered," its barbie and ken."

"Umm..." Sasha just zoned off, staring at Jake.

"Oh geez..." Sarah mumbled.

Nobody, but the twins, knew this, but after an incident in 7th grade, Sasha had developed feeling for the jock, Jake. Every time she saw him, she got nervous and shy, which was an opposite of her normal personality, hyper and confident.

Sarah on the other hand, wasn't really fond of the jock, calling him names and such. But she loved her sister, and would do anything to make her happy. Even though that incident made Sasha feel alive, it was also the day where Sarah nearly lost her. And Sarah doesn't want that again.

"So," Jake started," how the two geeks and the red head twins?"

"Umm... fine? I guess..." Dave answered, surprise that Jake actually spoke to unpopulars.

"Ok cut the crap," Sarah said, sternly," what do you want?"

"Well," Lily started, in her obnoxious voice," a little birdie told us that Dave here got his hands on a sweet cabin in Red Hood Forest. We want in."

"Huh? And why would I let people like you come to something I own?" Dave asked.

"Because," Lily continued," my gang are bored and have nothing to do. And it's been a while since I've stayed outdoors. So I think a little retreat is just what we need, right Jake?"

"Right." Jake said, arms crossed," and if you don't comply, we'll tell the principle that you've been using private school data to set up your little gaming club."

"What?! Y-you can't do that!!!" Dave yelled.

Dave was the leader of his gaming club. He had a love for video games, ever since it let him get his mind off of... family matters. He couldn't bare to part with it.

"So," Lily said, smirking," what will it be?"

Bella just sat there.

"Fine," Dave said," you can come with us."

I can't go back.

"Dave," Bella finally spoke," can I talk to you in private for a sec?"

Bella got up, taking Dave's hand, leading to an unoccupied hallway.

"What's up?" Dave asked.

"Umm... I-it's about the c-cabin-"

"I know! It's great, isn't it?"

"Well... it's just that-"

"Yeah... I know. I can't believe we have to take those popular Barbie dolls with us. I wanted to just be us... and the twins. And George."

Dave looked to the side.

"Honestly," he started," the real reason I got it is so I could get away from my family. We've been more disorganized lately, and things just sent right. I just hope this trip will take my mind off of things."

Bella soon thought I something. She knew that ever since Dave's brother died, his family was not good to him. Bella knew the depression he had to go through. And being the sympathetic person she is, she didn't want to make him more depressed.

"Well," she started, trying to smile," I truly hope the populars won't make this trip feel like total crap."

"Yeah! Now, let's get back to the group before Sasha starts to yell."

I know I can run away from my past, Bella thought, but maybe I can finally release myself from the pain I kept in all these years.

Red Hood ForestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang