Chapter 23

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The sound of Jake's footsteps could be heard, echoing within the tunnels. He had a dreaded and determined expression, that could be seen throughout his body.

"Damn it, you demon," he yelled, "Come back and kill me! Leave Sasha and Sarah alone!!!"

No, he thought, I can't let them die. They're only a few years younger than me. They have so much to live for, so I can;t let them die. Why... why is this demon doing this? It seems to find pleasure in torturing us. Damn it... I wish I understood what was going on.

He soon found himself in the tunnels the girls once were. We searched and searched until he came across the metal door that led to the map room.

Maybe they hid in there, he thought.

He ran to the door so fast, he almost rammed his face into it. He tried to push it open, but with no prevail. Then, he noticed the broken, torn up window next to him. As he was about to climb through that, he saw an icky, black substance, all along the glass shards of the window.

No, he thought, sweating in fear, Did... did it get in? I can't be too late!

Without even worrying about the glass shards cutting his body, he quickly moved himself through the window, falling into the map room. He landed with a loud thud, bruised, but quickly got up. He looked around the room, and when he didn't see the twins, he yelled out, "Sasha! Sarah! Where are you!?"

He started to panic. There seemed to be no signs of the demon either, so he suspected that it must've moved on from the area. But he feared that it got to the twins first, then left to either find him again, or find his other friends.

"Girls, where are you," he yelled again, more panic in his voice. Then, he noticed the entrance to the tunnel that led to the exit door. He quickly peered into the tunnel, and his heart stopped.

Right at the end of the tunnel, he saw a corpse. A single corpse.

"NO," he screamed. He bolted toward the corpse, hoping that what he was seeing was just an illusion. That it wasn't what he thought.

But when he slid and sat next to her, he couldn't help shed a tear and shake.


Yes, it was Sarah. Or at least, the lifeless body of her, her face still frozen in pain. She laid on her side, in which the eye that was previously scarred was showing. But now, that entire side was covered in deep scars and black substance, making that side of her face barely recognizable. Her back had been clawed up so much, that her spine, almost broken in two, was practically showing among the blood and ripped apart skin. It was horrible mess.

"I'm so sorry, Sarah," Jake said, standing, "I wish I made it sooner. This shouldn't have happened to you."

He looked round more, trying to see if he could find where Sasha went. We feared that the demon might've taken her, but it seemed unlikely, since if Sasha and Sarah with still together at the time, the demon would've killed both of them at the moment.


He yelled until he realized we was standing among a door. Maybe Sasha was able to escape though this door, he thought, but if she did... poor Sasha.

He quickly tried to find a way to open it. It wasn't long until he ran back into the map room, and found the electrical box. Soon, he was able to figure out the wire situation, and plugged the exit door into its correct outlet. He heard the door ope from the end of the tunnel, and ran like hell to it. He stop for a moment to look at Sarah's body again, still upset about it. But he realized that he now have to save her sister before it was too late So with a quick prayer, he went through the door.

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