Chapter 14

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"What the hell are you doing again," Bella asked, while she laid flat on her back, on the old rug in the living room.

"Hypnotism," Sarah said, looking on her phone," a special kind of hypnotism. I learned this in psychology. In doing it a certain way, I bet we could figure out what is wrong with you."

"Why do you get to do the fun stuff," Sasha grumbled.

"Because," Sarah started," I'm the only one that knows how to do it. Besides, you'll be taking psychology next year."

"This is what I get for choosing heads," Sasha mumbled, remembering the bet she and her twin made last year, for who would take which class first.

"Ok," Sarah started, ready to start," now Bella, I'm going to need you to relax, and close your eyes. And don't you dare fall asleep, or I'll have to do this all over again, and I really don't want to do that."

"Well, I'm hoping this works," Bella said, closing her eyes," if there really is something wrong with me."

Sasha walking over to the chair behind Bella and sat down, legs and arms crossed. Sarah kneeled next to Bella.

"Now," she said, with an extremely calm voice," imagine yourself floating. Floating into something dark, yet something light. An in between," she then placed one of her hands on Bella's forehead, and her other hand's fingers in Bella's shoulders," now, imagine yourself lading on something solid. You are still in between light and dark."

Within Bella's mind, she thought of things. Her parents, her friends, but then, she thought of thoughts that weren't her own, yet they felt like her own. But even she knew they weren't. Suddenly, she felt like she was trapped and lost, but it was calming. She still heard Sarah's voice. Meanwhile, Sarah was still continuing the hypnotism.

"Let your consciousness awake," Sarah continued, while tracing her fingers from Bella's shoulder, to the palm of Bella's hand," let me know what lies deep down."

Suddenly, a howl was heard in the room. A harsh wind blew around the room, knocking some stuff over. Sasha gasped, cradling herself, while Sarah only gazed around, knowing that she had to remain calm at all times.

"Did we leave a... a window open," Sasha asked, looking around, a bit scared," or am I just hearing and seeing things?"

"You cannot intervene."

Sarah looked down, hearing a demonic sound voice come from Bella. It sounded like Bella, but also like something else. "Bella" opened her mouth again.

"We didn't expect others," the voice from Bella spoke," that was the only thing we never thought would occur. But she... she is taking very harsh ways to keep everyone out."

"What do you mean," Sarah asked, frightened," who are you? You... your not Bella."

"I am, but I'm not. I cannot explain. But you must leave. Leave now."

"Sarah," Sasha whispered," what the hell is this?"

"I don't know," Sarah said," but we cannot leave. This is our vacation. Please, help me understand."

The voice went silent. Sasha took this advantage to talk to Sarah.

"Sarah," she started," What's happening to Bella. It's like she's... possessed."

"That's not possible," Sarah answered," possession isn't possible. This is scientific stuff, Sasha. Not demonology."

"Are you serious," Sasha said, pointing at Bella," Are you not hearing the demonic voice coming out of our friend on the rug?!"

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