Chapter 10

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The art is mine. Yep. I drew it this time. I think I'm going to continue to draw from now on. Enjoy the chapter.

As the morning sun rose, the house was quiet. It was still dark from the curtains that had been pulled the previous night. As 9:00 am came to view, Lily had woken, blinking a few times to see clearly. She slowly rose from her bed and quietly walked out of the bedroom, still in her pj's. Still barefoot, which was unlike her. But this morning was different. She had been thinking all through the night, even in her dreams, about the warmth in her chest. It only took one night to make her realize that she was not herself. Not around Wendy, nor anyone.

Anyway, she walked into the kitchen and looked into the cabinet. Not much was in there, other than a box full of tea bags and some moldy looking bread.

"You're not going to find anything in there." Lily quickly turned, to find Amara, sitting on a stool next to the counter. "I haven't been to the store in ages, so there's nothing fresh yet. You're lucky I went shopping last night when you all went inside." Amara revealed two fills bags of food.

"How long where you here for?" Lily asked, a little creeped out that a woman waltzed into the house unannounced.

"I've been here only a little while. I originally thought that it would be Dave to be the first one awake. But you seem you have much on your mind." Amara smiles, looking down at her old wrinkles fingers. "Am I right?"

"Maybe," Lily replied," I'm honestly not so sure anymore." "How so?"

Just as Lily was going to reply, suddenly, Dave walked into the room. He was still in his clothes from yesterday. As we walked through the door, he noticed Lily and Amara. "Oh! Hey guys. Amara, this is a surprise."

"Well," Amara said, slowly getting up, along with Lily's help," you had no food, and I came to bring some. I hope you all had a good rest. No one has lived in this house for years, and it gets hard to take care of it by myself. Well, I best be on my way home."

"You sure? It's not good weather out there." Dave said.

"I'll be fine. Besides, I have some business I must attend to. I hope you all enjoy your stay," as Amara turned to leave, she grabbed Lily's arms and whispered into her ear," Maybe you should play some games. It'll help." Amara walked off, leaving Lily stunned and confused.

"What was that?" Dave asked. "Nothing," Lily replied," she's very nice. We should do something for her, to repay her for the hospitality she's given us. Or something like that."

Dave looked that Lily weirdly. "Why are you acting so.... not prep-like?"

"Whatever," Lily said, sternly, as she walked over to the window," where the hell is Wendy and Jason. They should've been here by now." "Maybe they didn't want to get caught in the snow. They'll probably be here by afternoon."

"I guess. Well," Lily looked down at herself, her bed head, and wearing a dark tank and sweats," I look like total shit, so I'm getting changed. Then maybe there's something on tv."

Just as Lily was about to walk out, George came into the room. "You whine to much," he said, arms crossed."

"Oh my god, it's getting crowded here! I'm out!" Lily pushed passed George. He looked to Dave, with a disapproving face.

"Dude, lay off the prep," Dave said," she's probably on her shark week."

"Tmi Dave, tmi. Besides, I still don't like that she and her friends are here. They hate us." "Then lets make them not hate us this week! We got this man, we got this!"

George rolled his eyes. "You say that, yet I still don't believe you."


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