Chapter 7, part 2

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"Damn! How long is this drive?!" Wendy wined, crossing her arms, as she laid in the backseat.

"Just ten more minutes, Wendy," Jason replied," you know, we should've went with Jake and Lily, or we wouldn't have gotten caught in this snowfall."

"Are you blaming me?! Jason, I told you! Lily is trying to betray me! ME! No one does that to Wendy Vala! Not her! Not Jake! Not anyone! This week, she's paying for it!"

"Don't you think she'll find out that this prank isn't for the dweebs, but for her?" "Screw it, Jason! Just screw it!"

The car ride was silent for a few seconds, until Jason spoke up. "Is this really fair? We technically are ruining this group vacation. Have you ever thought that this is the reason people are starting to hate us? 'Cause we ruin a fun time?"

Wendy looked out the window, thinking about it. "I don't know. I'm the popular one. I'm one of the richest kids in our school. I deserve to have it all! I hate those dweebs, I hate Lily... ya know what?! I hate that David who found this great lodge before me!!!"

Suddenly, with a sudden blackness, the car engine popped and smoke blocked Jason's view.

"Shit! Damn it, I have to pull over!" Jason pulled over and exited the car. He popped the hood, and tons of smoke escaped. As the smoke cleared, he took a flashlight and shined it on the engine. "Seems like some of the engine got dislocated," he lifted his head to look at Wendy, who was impatiently waiting for the car to move," Wendy! I need you to hand me the wrench in the backseat!"

"Are you kidding me?! I'm not going outside! I'll get frostbite!" "It'll take you one minute, come on!" "Fine!"

Wendy rapidly took the wrench and walked out of the car. "You're lazy, you know that!?" She then tossed the wrench. But as she was about to walk back into the car, something on the hood caught her eye. "Jason..."

"Wendy, I heard you. Imma lazy bum." "No Jason. Flashlight to the hood, now."

Jason lifted the flashlight to shine the hood of the car up. The two went wide eyed, as they saw three, deep scratch marks that had gone right through the hood.

"Jason, what the hell did that?!" Wendy said, getting a bit scared.

"I don't know. Maybe whatever did that, is the reason why the engine got totaled."

"Did you hit something? A wolf maybe?" "Can't be. The marks are too large and too deep to be a wolf. And I don't remember a thump, just black. Well... almost black."

"What do you mean by almost?" Wendy asked.

"I thought... I saw red. Like a cloa-"

With a rush, Wendy's view of Jason ceased as he was thrown backwards into the darkness. Wendy fell over, only to rush to stand and running back into the car, cradling herself in the divers seat. Her breaths became rapid, as her eyes, quick in pace, looked all around her.

Soon, everything became silent. The snow outside seemed like they became still. Wendy's eyes continued to look around, like they had a mind of their own. She look outside the passenger window, to see if she could spot anything. The only thing she could see if snow and darkness. She attempted to get comfortable in the seat, looking to her knees.

Until she got the feeling, from the drivers window she sat right next to her, that something had waited there, waiting for this moment to pounce.

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