Chapter 4

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"I can't believe this!"

George bowed his head in shame, as his father yelled at him.

"You got a B- on the lawyer exam," his father continued the yell," and I get a call that the field trip was today! Not next week!"

"I'm sorry, father," George calmly said," I'll try harder next time."

"No, George! You won't "try"! You will DO harder! Understand?"

"I understand. I will do harder."

"Good," George's mother said," now go to your room to study for the mathematics exam in two days."

"Yes mother."

George walked into his room, and closed the door. He saw that the butler had already set up a math book, a pop quiz, pencils and paper. George sat in his chair. He looked at the work spread in front of him.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in."

In walked his butler, Michael. A kind British man, who was always on George's side.

"Yes Michael?" George asked, staring at the man.

"You had a call from your friend, David. He wanted you to know that tomorrow night was when they were leaving for the cabin trip."

George had already known about the trip. He knew how much of a crush Dave had on Bella.

A sorrowful look and upon George.

"You know my parents won't let me go. They will want me here, studying. Studying for any test they can get their hands on."

"But that isn't your passion. Being a lawyer like them."

"You know that! I don't want to spend the rest of my life sitting around, handling paperwork everyday."

"You want to be a director."

George looked away from the butler. Yes. This was true. Ever since grade school, George thought that being what his parents wanted him to be was his dream. Until he met Dave. When they became friends, Dave had shown him his first movie. George became memorized at the plots of each film. Soon, he found a new passion. Film. He would always watch the movie until the end of the credits. He'd always watch the behind the scenes. He badly wanted to become a director. But, his parents had other plans for him. They never let him watch anything, other then the news, or any reality show that wasn't stupid. But secretly, his butler would give him famous films to watch on his laptop. But George could never let anyone know this. He'd be a disappointment.

"Just leave me to study." George said.

"Sir, you are much too tired."

"I'm fine."

Meanwhile with the twins...

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!" Sasha screamed as the twins walked through the door. "WE'RE HOOOOOOME!"

Soon, a man in his late thirties walked through the archway.

"Hello my sweeties," he said,"How was school today?"

"They moved April break to next week!" Sarah exclaimed.

"I heard. I got a call from the school about it. For some reason, the secretary thinks one of you did it."

"We would never," Sasha said, playfully hitting her dad," all we did was fix a light!"

"SASHA!" Sarah shushed.

"What did I hear about a light?"

Suddenly, another man in his early thirties came into the room, holding a small baby.

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