Chapter 25

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"Bella... I love you."

Bella froze when she heard those words. She just stared widely at Dave.

No way, she thought, he... he's serious? He loves me? Like... romantically or something?

As Bella remained speechless, Dave became a bit nervous.

"Umm... Bella," he said, "are.. are you alright?"

"Dave..." she started to say, completely taken off guard by this sudden confession. But, she knew what she had to say next, before it was too late.

"Dave, I.... I'm sorry. But... but I don't feel the same way."

Dave's heart sunk when he heard that. He had really hoped that Bella would feel the same way, but he thought, maybe it was all in his head.

"Oh god," he stuttered, "Bella... I'm.... I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said anything. God I'm an idiot!"

As Dave tried to run away from the situation, literally, Bella quickly grabbed his hand, and hugged him from the back.

"Don't be sorry," she said, "Listen, I'm sorry if I led you on or anything. I never intended for that to happen."

"No," Dave replied, tearing up a little, "You didn't lead me on. You... were just being yourself. The person I couldn't help but fall in love with since middle school or something. You have always been there for me, and I have for you. I... I just couldn't help myself. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's ok. Dave," Bella spun Dave around, so they could see each other face to face, "I think that if you didn't say anything, you wouldn't know how I felt. THAT would've been the thing to eat you alive. I don't feel the same, because our friendship is too precious to me, and friendship is so much more important. So, in a way, I love you, but as a friend. A best friend. To me, that's way for important than a romantic relationship!"

Dave started crying about more. "You always know that to say. I... I don't want to lose your friendship as well. Yeah, it's pretty upsetting that you don't feel the same, but I'll get over it. I seriously care about you though."

"I care about you too."

Dave suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around Bella. Bella was taken aback for a second, but quickly hugged him back. No one would've ever expected this to happen. A confession, then rejection, and finally... the purest of friendships still going on. Although Dave still carried feelings for Bella, he couldn't forget that they've always gotten along the best as best friends. But still even though he now acted it was all ok, this rejection still pained him a little.

After a about a few seconds, the two still continued to hold each other. Until...

"Bella! Dave," Lily called, as she ran down the trail towards them, "where are you!?"

The two let go of each other, just as Lily suddenly got into eye's view.

"We're fine," Bella said, "I'm sorry, I guess we lost track of time!"

"Well don't scared me like that, Bella," Lily said, grabbing onto Bella and Dave, "you either Dave! We have two freaking demons raging around, so we don't need anyone going missing!"

"I know, we're sorry," Dave said. He looked to Bella, smiling a little bit, "let's get back to the group."

"But anyways," Lily said, as the three sped down the trail, "What were you two talking about? Or is that a personal thing?"

"Just... straightening some stuff out," Bella said, "but we're kinda good now."


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