Chapter 5

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Morning arrived and Dave had just finished packing his rusty van to leave for Red Hood forest. As he was about to leave, his father walked outside.

"Dave!" His father yelled.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry about last night. Your mother isn't in a great place right now. Her pills... she hasn't been taking them and now she's getting delusional again."

"It's fine-"

"No it's not. I know you just need to get away from the family. Just...don't be long, ok? Be back by the end of break. Don't run off on me."

"Alright dad. Can I leave now?"

"Yeah. Bye David."

And with that, Dave drove off to pick up his friends.

First stop. George.


Meanwhile, George had just woken up from a long night of studying. He droopily looked around his room. He suddenly saw his butler standing next to an open window, with a packed suitcase.

"Micheal? What is this?"

"Sir. I just can't allow you to miss out on a grand time with your friends. You must go."

"But what about my parents?"

"Don't worry. I'll keep them occupied. The mathematics exam has gotten cancelled 3 days from now. Just get back then."

George debated for a quick second, then quickly grabbed the suitcase and jumped out the window. Micheal had put a mattress at the bottom.

"Thank you." George said.


Meanwhile, the twins were throwing things around to pack up everything at the last minute. Like always.

"Sasha! Did you take my Archie comics?"

"They are mine too!"

"No they're not!"

"Well then give me the Japanese robe with Rin on it!"

"No way!"

"Girls! Your ride is here!!"

"COMING!" Both girls screamed. They zipped up their bags and toppled downstairs.

"Love you dad!"
"Love you father!"

The girls zoomed out the door and into the van.

"We are so ready for this!" Sasha yelled.

"My goodness Sasha. No need to shout." George said, still covering his ears.

"Alright gang," Dave started," let's go grab Bella and move out!"


Bella waited outside her house. Everything was packed and ready. She kept her hood on tightly, so nobody could see her hair, until she could try to fix it. She spent most of the night packing for anything she might need. The reason for this is that she could barely sleep. She could not stop thinking about going to her old home again.

Well, she thought, hopefully the cleaners were able to clean the blood off... the carpet is pretty bright and I wouldn't want anyone to freak.


Bella turned around to see Dean run up to her.

"What is it?" Bella asked him.

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