Chapter 16

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George was carefully covering up Wendy's body with a tarp he had found in the backseat. He thought about going back into the woods for Jason's body, but he didn't want to leave Lily alone, who was sitting behind the car, still very terrified. He could've taken Lily with him, but he then realized that he didn't want Lily to see Jason's body, knowing that it would just make the situation worse. Especially for her.

"Hey George," Lily spoke up, gaining George's attention. He walked over to her.

"Yes," he asked.

"What's going to happen to us," she asked, looking at George with a pleading look in her eyes," I... I don't want to die. Not like Wendy. or Jason. I'm... I'm not ready to die."

George bent down and put his hand on her shoulder. "You won't die. Don't worry. By now, the others must've realized our long absence, and are on their way to find us. We'll be safe soon. I promise. In the meantime, we must try to stay warm, so how about you open the trunk to Wendy's car, and see if there is a blanket or anything else that could keep us warm? I know I wouldn't want to die of hypothermia, or due in any matter."

Lily nodded, and George stood up and walked away to better cover up Wendy's body. Lily slowly stood up, grasping into the car, for she was tired from all her tears. She brushed the snow off of her coat, thought it didn't do much, since snow still fell from above. She fumbled to open up the trunk, but she finally had it opened. Her eyes flowed when she saw a beautiful, purple quilt, filled with floral designs. For a moment, she forgot all about the dark things happening around her, and thought of... home. She thought of her mother, though picky with Lily's lifestyle, still loved her daughter. She thought of her father, though sometimes odd, always has there for Lily when she became sad. She thought of her family, and her home, and how warm it must've been right now. She came to realize that her parents have no idea what is happening at this moment, and it somehow made her happy. It made her happy that at least her family wasn't worried and stressed about her well being.

She carefully picked up the quilt and held it to her face, smelling it. It didn't smell like blood and guts, but a crisp fire. And it felt nice.

Until when Lily suddenly came back into reality, she noticed a medium sized, cardboard box, that seems to lay under the quilt. Lily places the quilt to the side of the box, and pulled the box closer to her. She opened the box, and saw supplies. She found a frozen box of some sort of animal, but didn't dare to open it. She found rope, a camera, and many other things. It when then when she realized this it. She figured that this was the surprise that was set up for Bella and the others that Wendy implied to her only a day ago.

She suddenly had a feeling of rage flow over her. She was thinking about what would've happened if none of this happened. If Wendy and Jason made it to the cabin. They would've hurt Bella. Then, with sudden strength, she lifted the box and harshly threw it to the ground. She grunted and screamed, stomped and kicked the box. George quickly heard Lily, and thought something had happened to her. He quickly ran to her, but only to find Lily standing over a crumpled box, and he even heard her cry once again.

"I hate her," Lily mumbled, the screamed," I HATE HER!"

George jumped, startled at Lily's suddenly outburst. But it soon died down when Lily started crying. George walked over to Lily, took her shoulders, and turned her around. Her face was bright red in sorrow and rage.

"I should've said something when we first arrived here," Lily said.

"What," George asked.

"Wendy...... Wendy said that she had a surprise for you all. I knew it was going to be a prank, but I was so stupid just yesterday, that I never said anything. If they had made it, it could've happened. I now I think about it, and I feel terrible about it. Because... it would've hurt Bella. And Bella... she made he realize that there's more to me and the lie I have been living. That I don't need to change. I still feel terrible though. Who knows if I still would've done something?"

George was shocked through all that Lily had just said. He never thought she'd confess to something like this, but she did. He realized that he was wrong about Lily. She's just a scared soul. Another person scared of the people around them.

"If this was another world," he started," I would be pissed at you, but I'm not, for I understand what you are going through."

Lily looked at George, confused. "How so," she asked.

George was hesitant, but calmed. "I never told me parents about this trip. In fact, I'm not even sure if they realize that I'm gone yet. I too, am scared of people around me. People... being my parents. They expect so much from me, because they are high class, and came from success. I'm supposed to be studying, but who ever knew that my butler helped me see that I needed fun?! I'm still scared, but at least I'm here. I do wish it wasn't like this, but it's nice to get away from stress once in a while."

Lily look at George blankly, but then smiled.

"Wow," she started," I never thought we'd have anything in similarity."

"Well," George said," I didn't think so either. I guess today is full of surprises. Both dark and... uplifting, in a way."

The two laughed a bit. It was very surprising that the two found common ground.

Suddenly, something caught Lily's eye. She turned her head to get a better look. George, upon noticing Lily, also turned his head. In the distance appeared headlights. As the headlights got closer, it appeared it was Dave's car.

"Dave," George yelled, running towards the car. But as the car stopped, George saw that it wasn't Dave driving, but Jake. He got a little concerned.

Jake put the car on park, and climbed out. We quickly looked around, then looked at George. "What the hell happened to you two," he asked, almost yelling.

Before George said anything, Lily came running up to Jake, yelling his name, and hugging him. Jake was taken back a little.

"Oh my god," Lily started," thank god your here, Jake! I can't start out here any more!"

"Hey... hey it's ok," Jake replied. He looked to George," what's going on?"

George didn't know how to say it, so he just looked at Wendy's car. Jake let go of Lily and walked over to the drivers side door. He looked under the tarp, but once he did, he gagged, and took a few steps back.

"What," he started," What the fuck."

"Jason's body is in the forest," George said," he's not better. We were taken off the road by... something. And when we got here-"

"It's ok. I don't need to hear the rest."

George looked around. "Where's Dave?"

"Missing," Jake said," yeah, he ran into the forest! Whatever happened to Wendy... oh god, it could happen to Dave. And it's still really bad at the lodge. Something happened to Bella, and Sarah has a large scratch across her eye. George, I know that you and Dave are besties and all that, but I think it's best that we all get back to the lodge as quick as we can. Let's not have any more fatalities."

"But," Lily said, finally piping in," What about Wendy? And Jason? We can leave their bodies behind."

"We don't have a choice, Lily," George replied," it's take too much time to take Wendy's body out of the car, and get Jason's body from the woods. Besides, right now, I don't feel comfortable going back into those woods."

Lily looked down. "Ok," she said, as she climbed into the back of the running car.

George and Jake looked at each other.

"What is going on," Jake asked.

"Hey," George replied," I may be smart, but even I can't figure this one out."

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