Chapter 8

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Silence. Silence was between Bella and Sasha. Both eyes met. One with confusion, and the other with fear.

"Bella," Sasha started," what do you mean by mom?"

"Sasha it's nothing..." "it isn't nothing!" Sasha walked over and took the picture from Bella. With a few seconds of looking at detail, she understood.

"This girl..." she pointed to young Bella," this is you! I'd know that smile anywhere! This lady though, she must be your mom! But..." she looked closer," I recognize that building. It's here! The lodge. Bella... did you live here?"


"Bella! Need some help here!" Called Lily's voice from a few rooms over. And as much as Bella found Lily annoying, she didn't want her getting in her nerves all week.

"I'm coming," Bella called, before turning to Sasha, grabbing her arm," we'll discuss this later." Bella quickly walked off, leaving Sasha in the bedroom.


Bella walked into the room, to see Lily sitting impatiently on her bed.

"What is it, Lily?" Bella said, with a bit of grump in her voice.

"Wow, Bella. I didn't realize you could get grumpy, miss grade A+." "Just... What is it."

Lily got up and walked in front of Bella. At the distance that were between, it was easy to see the heights of the girls.

"You're nice. Everyone pretty much enjoys your presence, whether it's pity or just... nice," Lily walked away from Bella to the window," is it weird? To envy the lowlife? I was like that too. I still am... in Wendy's eyes."

"What does Wendy have to-"

"Bella," Lily interrupted, turning her head to a forgotten friend," I'm trying to stay on top. I'd like it if you and the others didn't tell Wendy about the incident. I don't want to go back to middle school again."

Bella's face had shown that she finally understood Lily's intentions. Lily's true fear.

"Worms," Bella said, remembering the moment like it was only yesterday.


"Remember class. Not too hot." Said the biology teacher of 8th grade, reciting the class procedure.

"Lily. I don't think this is right. The light isn't supposed to be pink, but blueish-green," said Bella to her partner, as Lily was looking into the glass jar of worms.

Lily looks up to Bella, then at the skinny light, then back to Bella smiling.

"To be honest,"Lily started," you've always been better at this than me. But... I think pink may be the best color for this. I mean, it could speed up the process of slightly disintegrating the worms. If we get it done quickly, maybe we can get extra credit for getting it done early."

"Maybe... I mean, pink isn't that bad to set it to..."

Suddenly, the machine started shaking. Lily ran to Bella, and the two started at the machine. Suddenly, the jar sprung up and exploded, with all the worms spilling out onto Lily, who stood among Bella, who was petrified at the scene. The worms all wiggled in Lily. Lily was frozen in place, arms spread out wide.

"Oh my god," exclaimed Wendy, who was pointing at Lily, noticing Lily's stance," what the hell are you doing, Lily? Are you praising the dirt-crawlers? Do you except them? Maybe she wants to be made from worms herself!"

Suddenly, The whole class burst out laughing, took many pictures, and calling Lily the name she'll remember for the rest of her life. Lily looked at Bella. Bella stared at Lily. Suddenly, Lily took off, running down the halls of the school crying, not knowing that Bella tried to come after her, before being stopped by the teacher.


"How could I forget, Lily," Bella said," that day was awful."

"I don't want to be embarrassed in front of Wendy again. I... I want her to be the one embarrassed when I become better than her!"

"And you think that'll work if you keep hanging out with her?!"

Lily stood silent for a moment. "I just..."

"Lily. We were friends in middle before that moment. You helped me to become brave again. Don't you remember? That incident... you blocked the machine from hurting me, because you know I've been hurt too much. I should've been the one embarrassed, not you. Yet you risk your reputation for me. I honestly still wonder why to this day."

Lily turned to Bella, almost looking teary eyed. "I was brave then, Bella. I was still when that happened. I told myself, that I'd do that for anyone. But then it actually happened, and I realized... an experience is different from how you imagine it. And I couldn't handle it."

Bella walked next to Lily. "Maybe... this week can make things different. You and Wendy are here together, and it'll give you a chance to change something. I don't know what, but just something."

Suddenly, Lily didn't something she never thought she do. She hugged a lowlife. Bella, of course, returned the hug.

"Bella. Everything's falling apart for me and I don't know what to do." "It'll be fine." "How? No one here likes me. They will say something to her." "Maybe not. I have an idea but I'll need your help."

Lily let go of Bella and looked at her. "What is it?"

Bella took the hood of from her head, revealing the messy cut she gave herself. Lily stared and gasped. "Bella no!"

"I tried and I failed miserably. Help me please?" "Of course, dear! Sit down and I'll find scissors!"

"SARAH!" Sasha screamed, slamming open the door to the bedroom they shared. "I GOT NEWS."

"Jesus Sasha, don't scream!" Sarah yelled, like a grouch, as she laid on the large bed.

"I'm sorry! But guess what I just found out!" "What? Lily's freak out?" "Nope! Well, that's nothing I didn't expect, but nope! Bella used the live her!"

"Wowowwow," Sarah exclaimed, jumping off the bed," Bella used to live here?!"

"Yeah! She was in this child-like bedroom, and there was a dust-covered picture of a lady and a little girl that looked just like her! Well, except one detail-" "Sasha! Stop right there."

Sasha paused from her glorious rampage and stared at Sarah, dumbfounded.

"Huh? I don't understand." "Think Sasha. Did Bella tell you to tell people this?" "Well... all she said is that we'll talk about it later." "Exactly! This is a personal subject to her! If this was her house, this is probably where she spend some of her last moments with her parents. Yet she still made the sacrifice to make sure we had a great week. I think it's best to not tell anyone else about this. Not until we can talk to Bella about this."

"Yeah... your right. I'm sorry, Sarah. *yawn* but I'm also sleepy. Can we figure this out tomorrow."

But before Sarah could say anything, Sasha had already gotten onto the bed and fell asleep. Sarah giggled a bit. She went to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers over Sasha. She sat by Sasha's side, smiling.

"Oh Sasha. Honestly, I'm not sure if you'll ever learn. But I'm your older twin, and I got the responsibility. Goodnight, lil sis."

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