Chapter 22

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The pounding of the door, from the demon, echoed throughout the room the twins hid in. It continued to try to knock down the metal door, the only protection Sarah and Sasha had.

"Damnit Damnit Damnit," Sarah continuously said. The paced around the room, trying to think of a way out of this situation.

Meanwhile, Sasha looked around, searching her surroundings. The room appears to be some sort of map room, like one you'd see in a war movie. There was single table that laid on one side of the room. The table was covered in letters and spilled ink, with a lamp that must've been burned out over time. But even though it appeared that it came out of the civil war, it was also lined with mechanical engineering, like from the 30's or 40's. The table even held a few old-looking walkie talkies. The room was held up by wooden walls and a wooden ceiling.

Then, Sasha noticed on one wall, a giant map was placed. She walked up to it, scanning every detail of it.

"Sarah," She said, "I think I found something."

Sarah quickly walked to Sasha, looking at the map as well. "What is this," she asked.

"It's like," she started, "a map of the mine. Every tunnel and where it leads! Look," Sasha pointed at the down left corner of the map, "This has our town's name! It says Harpsville right there! If we just follow the map, we can find a tunnel safely there!"

"Sasha," Sarah started, "Do you see how big this map is? It'll drag, and I sure as hell won't remember which way to go."

"Sister... please... This is why we have iPhones, " Sasha said, taking her iPhone out of her jacket pocket, waving around her sisters face. As Sasha took pictures, Sarah just stood behind her, with her arms crossed.

Not seen by Sasha, Sarah had a smirk on her face. Sasha always says she's not the smart one of the both of us, Sarah thought, but what I've seen, she's more clever than she thinks. I don't think she realizes it, but she can really pull something off when she puts her mind to it.

But then she frowned. Maybe, she thought, she really doesn't need me anymore. But why do I still feel the need for me to do everything. Is it... just to keep her from doing something awful. Like before? I just can help it, and I still can't help it. Everything I do now, I do for my sister's safety. Even... even though I know for a fact she can handle herself without me.

"Okay," Sasha said, turning to her sister, "I have a whole bunch of photos on my phone. We should be set to find a way back to the lodge and back to town!"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH," Sarah spoke up, "Sasha, I realize that you care about the others, but getting back to town should be our top priority!"

"Are we still going to argue over this?! I can't leave without knowing if our friends are okay or not!"

"I realize that... I do, but I care too much about your safety."

"Then stop caring so much! What if I had decided to distract that demon instead of Jake!? You would've gone back then!"

"Because it's you!"

"What does that-"

Then it struck. "You," Sasha started, "You're afraid I'll..."

"I didn't say that," Sarah said.

"But you think it. I know you do! And you have been thinking about it since you found those razors in our closet."

"I... I just get really nervous. I don't want you to go down that dangerous path again. You didn't care if you got hurt or not then, and now it feels like you don't care now! Sasha, you're not-"

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