Chapter 28

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Sasha sat on the floor of the burnt up Lodge. Surprisingly, the fire has all been put out, but, of course, Blanchette needed a place to keep Sasha at. Anyway, Sasha had her knees up, trying to make herself small as possible. She had soot all over her, and light scratch marks around her neck, from where Blanchette has grabbed her before.

Soon, Blanchette walked from another room towards Sasha.

"You are very hard to handle, you realize that," Blanchette said, smiling like she had before.

Sasha just stayed silent, glaring at her with a deadly glare.

Blanchette laughed. "Damn, you really are tough, huh? Never expected it from a girl that ran off, leaving her sister to die."

"You shut your mouth," Sasha finally said.

"Wow! So she can talk!"

"Yeah, and you know what," Sasha said, grinning, "You are totally not going to hang around for much longer. When my friends show up, you're dead meat. I sure as hell won't let you live after what you did to Sarah. That I can be sure of!"

Blanchette suddenly flew to Sasha, cornering her against the wall. "You seems very sure of that! Don't you remember what I told you?!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I remember. Dave and Bella "need" to fight so your curse continues. Well let me tell you something. My friends are the cleverest I've ever met. George is at the top of this class, Lily is social smart, Jake is the bravest and kindest man I've ever met, Dave literally has watched every horror movie there is, and Bella knows how to get them all to work together. All of them... they will beat you. And I will be there to watch it all!"

Blanchette laughed even harder, grabbing Sasha cheek with her long fingers. "You honestly think that'll make any difference? You think the others haven't tried any of that before? I have possessed many people before David. And Gilbert has possessed many people before Bella. And every time one will rise, and one will fall. And once the victor dies, we start all over again. And you know what's my favorite part? That fact that our chosen ones have always been... drawn to each other. They become close, whether they become lovers, or friends, or even siblings. And the sense of betrayal is something I absolutely love."

"You are absolutely sick," Sasha growled.

"Awe, thank you," suddenly, Blanchette used her sharp claw to make a long scratch mark along Sasha face, making Sasha whimper a little bit.

Blanchette let go of Sasha's face, turned around, and walked away from Sasha, toward the broken window where the fire had started.

"If I let time run out tonight, Gilbert will die. I should die too, but when Amara dies, all that she did will be undone, and I will return. It's a win/win for me, but I'd rather let those two suffer for all eternity."

I can't sit idly by, Sasha thought, taking off her jacket to keep her scar from bleeding too bad, I just can't. I know Sarah wouldn't want me to do anything risky, but... my friends are being forced into something they defiantly don't want to do. Whatever it takes, I will stop her. I swear on it.

Sasha stood from where she sat. Her standing made a bit of noise, catching Blanchette's attention.

"Don't to anything risky," Blanchette said, grinning, "Do you want your sister's death to be in vain?"

"I won't let you do this," Sasha said, dropping her jacket to the floor, "Those are my friends. And for you're information, Sarah's death was never in vain."

"Are you serious?! Your sister died by my hands to help you! But instead of leaving the woods, you decided to go back for your friends! Then, you end up getting captured by me! You are a liability! And don't think I don't see those scars. You should've just killed yourself long ago."

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