Chapter 19

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"So let me get this straight," Dave spoke," you're telling me, that these woods are infected by demons, and one of the possessed you, causing Sarah to get injured, and also... is that all?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Bella replied, eyebrows raised.

"Damn," Dave said, sitting into the hard, rocky ground," this sounds just like one of those horror movies I watch quite often."

"Yeah, but," Bella started, sitting next to Dave," this isn't a movie. It's real life, and in real life, we could all very much die here. There's no props, or camera effects playing out the villain. It's a real freaking demon, and it's not friendly."

Dave looked at Bella, curiously. "Why do you say that like only one of these things are nice," he asked.

"The wolf," Bella replied," something about him wasn't like the other demon. When I was near his presence, it felt.... not scary. Like I could trust him, and I knew I wouldn't get hurt."

"Well, that's a weird way to put it, but I trust you. I mean, I'll still play cautious about this... wolf. As far as we know, the other one might not be bad... or, they are both bad, and are tricking us.... or-"

"DAVE," Bella said, snapping Dave out of his over-analysis," I think you've been playing to much videos games. And maybe watching to many movies. For now, we have to find a way back to our friends, and get the hell off this mountain."

"Of course."

The two stood up, and started walking deeper into the mineshaft, not risking on going back outside to where death lies.

A few minutes passed, and the duo stood among two paths, both looking very similar.

"Well, we are stuck," Bella sighed.

"Yeah," Dave replied," but one of these has to lead somewhere. Hopefully either near the lodge, or near a road."

"Well, I have no idea where to go," Bella said. She looked at Dave. A few seconds passed before Dave realized it.

"What," he asked.

"You said it yourself. You watch horror movies often. What are you horror-senses telling you?"

"Horror-senses," Dave chuckled," are you trying to make a Spider-Man reference or something?!"

"What? Am I not GEEK enough for you?"

"What? I mean, you're not much of a geek, but-"

"What would you rather have me call it? Horry-senses?!"

"Oh my god, that is so much worse!!! Do you even hear yourself!?"

Soon enough, the two were bursting out laughing, and for that moment, they completely forgot about the situation they were in. They were laughing so much, they were grabbing each other to keep each other standing.

"Well," Bella said, between laughter," I guess I am not the GEEKIEST teenager in the world, but at least I'm friend with one!"

"Being friends with a geek," Dave started, gasping for breath," does not make you one!"

"Oh please! Because of your constant talking, I know almost all the names of both Marvel and DC characters! Not only that, but how to make an EXACT cardboard cutout cosplay of freaking Voltron! VOLTRON! Of all things, you choose the robot!"

"Hey, I could've EASLIY made a cardboard cutout of a Transformer or something!"



"HA," Bella laughed, pointing her pointer finger straight at Dave," finally, something "geek" that I know, and you don't!"

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