Chapter 17

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Heart racing. Feet pounding. Mind struggling.

Bella ran through the forest with all these things going on around her. She felt and heard each step of her feet as it reached the snow. She was cautious of everything around her, not knowing if at one wrong move, something, or someone, will catch her. She felt a presence around her, and she didn't think for a second that she wasn't imagining things.

Something was after her. It just hasn't decided to stop her yet.

But at least some of her friends are safe at the lodge.


"But she's not safe," Sasha yelled, pacing around Bella bedroom. Her and Sarah went up to check on Amara and Bella, but upon not seeing Bella inside, horror struck the household.

"I realize it's not safe, my dear," Amara replied," but if anyone is going to leave this place safely tonight, we can at least try to get David back into the lodge before it's too late."

Sarah grew impatient, and stomped over to the bed where Amara sat. "Too late," Sarah screamed confusion, slightly scared her sister," too late more what?! Every answer I get leads to even more questions! Well.... I'm done with these vague answers! Just give me a clear answer! What is going on?! Why are we being targeted?! And what in the hell are we being targeted by?!"

Amara took a long breath in, and breath out.

"I wanted to explain this with everyone here," Amara said," but I can see that the longer I stay quiet, the more tense you girls will get from this situation."

Sasha chuckled a little bit, knowing that Amara was basically aiming her words as her overreacting sister.

"These woods aren't any normal woods," Amara started," this place is infected with much darkness. There are demons roaming the woods, and you," Amara pointed at Sarah," aloud one of them to enter this lodge."

"But I didn't mean to," Sarah explained," I just needed to know what was going on! If I don't understand something, my initial instinct is to figure it out!"

"I'm not saying that I dislike what you did, Sarah," Amara replied," to be honest, I'm grateful that you aloud this certain spirit into the home."

"Wait what?!"

Sasha, while standing idly, thought about Amara's words, and then... something struck.

"You knew about these... demons," She said," didn't you?"

Amara looked at Sasha with a grim, but sorrowful, look. Sarah then looked at Amara was an angry appearance.

"You fucking knew," Sarah exclaimed," and get you still let us come here?! You rented this place to Dave, and knew that something dangerous lived here! What the hell is wrong with you!? I have a scar to show how dangerous this place is! And now you're saying that you glad that one of the demons were let into this place?!"

"Sarah, listen-"

Before Amara could explain, the sound of the front door being opened distracted the group. Sarah looked at Amara with a disgusted look, and then turned and walked out of the door, leaving Sasha in the room with Amara. Sasha looked to Amara.

"She had a temper," Sasha said, giving Amara was pleading look," but I don't understand. Amara... help me understand. Why?"

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