Chapter 18

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Dave spun around, quickly guarding Bella behind him. Before then she stood. A demon, that had to have been about 9 feet tall. Her body was all black, like it was covered in dripping ink. She also wore a long red cloak. This demon did not have any normal human feature. Only two, round, white eyes, and a wide white smile. Her hands only had three fingers, and all were sharp, and covered in blood.

"RUN," Bella screamed, grabbing Dave's hand and running into the woods. Despite being highly terrified, she remembered what the wolf told her, and went in the direction that this mine shaft would be at.

"What the fuck is that," Dave yelled.

"Some sort of demon! There's another one too, but he seemed more stable than this one!"

"Stable?! Since when is a demon stable?! Those things are literally a manifestation of darkness!!!"

"You watch too much Supernatural!!!"

Suddenly, a devilish laughter filled the air. Bella stopped, causing Dave to bump into her. The two looked around, scared for their lives. They heard something leap from tree to tree, laughter filling the air even more.

"We have to keep going," Bella said, looking into Dave's eyes. Dave could sense all the fear Bella was feeling. He knew that this is no longer a game he played, or a movie he watched. This was real life. It's real, and right now he cares about getting someone he deeply cared about safe from harm. But he had no idea what to do. He didn't know where to go, for going to the lodge will put everyone else in danger. But it seemed like Bella knew more than he did.

"I follow you," he said.

Bella smiled, grabbed his hand, and ran off deeper into the laughter filled woods. They ran and ran. The crunching of snow was loud, but the gasping of the two was louder. The ice even caused them to slip a few times. But nothing could stop the two from getting away from, possibly, certain death.

Soon, Bella's eyes widened. In the distance, she saw the mine shaft. It was obviously closed down, hence planks of wood used to board up the entrance. The entrance wasn't very large, but large enough to get into, and it had a bunch of police tape all over it, which made it seem to be there for many many years.

"There," Bella yelled," Hurry!"

The two quickly made it to the entrance, but the there were so many boards, that they couldn't fit through. So Bella grabbed a board and started to pulled. Dave looked back, then at Bella.

"Bella," Dave said with urgency," these boards that hundreds of nails in them. You'll never be able to-"

And with that, one of the wooden boards came right off of the entrance, and Bella held it right in her hands. She stood, looking at Dave. She smiled a goofy smile.

"I did not think that would work," she said, throwing the board away and climbing into the mine shaft. Dave climbed in shortly after.

When the two were safely inside, they ran deeper into the tunnel. It was a few minutes until they grew tired, and had to stop, both gasping for breath. Dave looked back toward the entrance.

"I... I think we lost her," he said, falling to the ground to sit.

"I think so too," Bella said, a slow sitting down.

"Bella," Dave started, looking at Bella," what's going on? Do you know something?"

"Sadly, yes. Better get comfortable, Dave. It's gonna be a long story."


"Everything was just crazy," George started, while everyone else sat in the living room, listening to George's horrifying tale," I'm just happy that Lily and I made it out alive."

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