Chapter 27

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As Amara finished her story, no words could come out of anyone's mouths. Everything was so shocking, it was almost hard to believe. Soon, Jake was the first to speak up.

"So," he started, "Overall, your granddaughter was crazy."

"Jake," Lily said, shushing him.

"What?! I'm not wrong! This all would never have happened if it wasn't for Blanchette! She took everything way too personal, and look where it ended up!"

"Ended up," George mumbled, "Hold on, how did you guys get here? Like, in the states? Can you... move a demon?"

"It's a bit more sophisticated," Amara said, "In order to moves demons like my granddaughter and Gilbert, there's a lot to play out. Why do you think there are so many versions of the story? In order to change a location, their story must become spread, and with that story, I can embody it with certain magic, and then, the two will magically be sent to that area. The states isn't the first place we've been too. We've travelled to different parts of Germany, Italy... basically throughout Europe. Moving to the states however, was unpredicted, but it still worked."

Lily looked over to Bella and Dave, who hadn't said much yet. "Are you both okay," she asked.

"Dave and I," Bella started, "we were chosen by these demons to... to..."

"Kill the other," Dave finished, almost in tears.

"Why," Bella asked, going to the window to look at Gilbert, then looking to Amara, "why us?! What's so damn important about us?! All we want is a normal life! A teenager shouldn't have to worried about stuff like this! We should be worrying about grades, or relationships, or other teenage stuff! So why us? Why?"

"It's always done as random," Amara replied, sighing, "they don't choose, the curse does. They just choose which one of your will be their future host."

"Did Blanchette also kill my brother," Dave asked.

"No," Amara silently said, but enough to hear, "Gilbert... Gilbert had to."

"Had to," Dave repeated, "Had too?! No one had to do anything! You realize what taking my brother away did to my family. My mom went crazy, and my dad... he just can't protect me anymore."

"That's why this time was... different. You see, around the 1800's, when we haunted a forest in Italy, Blanchette always killed innocent lives. The only time we suffered was when her and Gilbert took over their hosts. Gilbert really did not like that, to the two made a deal. Blanchette would wait to kill innocents in the forest when the day they take over their hosts is near. But one day, Blanchette went into a frenzy, and was somehow able to leave the forest. She immediately want to kill Bella, without her host. But after killing Bella's parents, Gilbert arrived and stopped her. But then somehow, Blanchette's frenzy affected Gilbert. Soon, the two found themselves at your home."

"That night," Dave said, "I remember. I heard them..."


8 years ago...

"You weren't going there," Gilbert growled, "You broke the law."

"Does it look like I'm interested," Blanchette asked, sarcastically, "I wanted to increase my chances."

"By killing the child. My child? The one I choose?!"

"Of course."

Gilbert grew angry, and tried to scratch Blanchette. He missed, and she pushed him down, grabbed his throat, and threw him against the floor.

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