Chapter 3

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It was the day of the event and Kayla and I were on our way. We were extremely excited to see Matt again.

--"I really hope he remembers us" said kayla.

--"same, honestly that was the best day of my life, kayla." I said


We were at the event and we have already met::

• Aaron

• Shawn

• Cameron

• Carter

& hayes

They called our numbers 200-275 to go meet the 3rd section of boys. We finally got to see Matthew.

Kayla went up first and I snapped a couple photos until she asked

--"can we take a cute pic?"

--"Sure darling." Matt responded

So he picked her up like a baby and kissed her check, it was so adorable. All the girls screamed because they all new he wasn't allowed to kiss any girls.

When it was mine turn he squeezed me tightly and kissed my forehead. And that's when all the girls went wild! I was shaking because I was so happy.

It was so romantic, and I new that's when I was able tell...that he's more than boy to me.

--"can we take a cute pic like you and kayla?"

So instead he picked me up on his back and it was so cute! Before Kayla and I went to Nash we asked for a group pic, of her me and Matthew.

He put his arm around us both and did one of his cute smiles, the one that can bring you up when your down. Then we took a pic of him squeezing us tightly. Before we left he grabbed Kayla's cell and took selfies, while he made the cutest faces. They told us to switch over. On my way to Nash I felt someone tug on my arm. It was Matthew.

--"Nat. Before you go, here." He handed me a note. "Read it with Mikayla after the event, okay?"

--"okay. Bye Matt I hope to see you again."

--"don't worry, you will. Bye beautiful."


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