Chapter 17

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**Matts POV**

I was at my backdrop with a few other guys, Jack Gilinsky, Taylor Caniff, and Carter Reynolds.

--"Dude? Did you hear that?" Taylor asked.

I jumped up and tried to see all the hubbub. I saw Hayes yelling at a fan, why? The only think I could have thought of was hate on Kayla. I could never tell Hayes this, but I think he might be, just a little, kinda over protective. Well yea, he was actually really protective. I pushed through the crowd trying comfort Kayla while this big thing was going on, but it ended before I was able to get there. I went back off minding my own business. I was happy that it didn't turn into this big fight like I thought it would have.

I walked back over to my station and there were a couple fans that were mad I wasn't there to greet them.

--"hi! how are you?" I asked a fan that came up to me, I thought she was gonna ask for a picture.

--"Why are you wasting your time on her?" the fan paused, "You would rather be with one girl, who is only getting to you for your fame, instead of your loving, supportive fans"

--"If you were supportive, and honestly loved me and what I did, you would be happy for me, happy that I got a girlfriend, okay?" I told her.

--"I was waiting here for 5 extra minutes because you ran off to be with her. I'm not gonna waste my time on you" She said, I saw a tear roll down her face.

I stood in silence for a minute just looking at her eyes. That tear came out because of me... I can't see a fan cry because of me. No matter how much hate she just gave I couldn't help myself, I gave her a big hug.

--"I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear, "Don't cry, I make people laugh. That's all I ever want to do to you. The only time you cry, is because you were laughing so hard, alright?"

--"Alright," She said and nodded.

I whipped the tear from her face and the last thing I remember is that I was lips to lips with this fan. My eyes widened in shock and I froze. I saw all the fans watching, and so was Nat. She walked out of the room like nothing happened but I could tell she was upset and was just trying to stay strong.

--"What did you just do?!" I asked

--"Awh baby, don't act like you didn't love it," she replied.

--"I'm not acting,"

She started to rub my ear and run her fingers through my hair. I saw fans running out crying and some were upset cause they supported me and Nat's relationship and it looked like I was cheating on her. I noticed how I was still arm length to this fan so I backed up a little bit. I saw Kayla run out and I know she was going to try to find Nat.

The fan pulled me in for another kissed when I turned around.

--"Get out of here," I said with my back turned the other way, and I left.

**Nat's POV**

I was talking to Kayla and trying to make her feel better about the tour and to convince her to stay. There wasn't much to say since I was reconsidering as well but I hung in there, I hung in there for Matt. Like he said, he won't try to hold this relationship together if I don't try. I really didn't have another choice. We both new we got to much hate and our self-esteem went down a ton, and we have only been in the tour for less than a day.

The thing they kept me going was this, they were complete jealous idiots. If you notice, I'm the one dating Matthew Lee Espinosa, Kayla is the one dating Hayes Benjamin Grier. Not them, Matthew liked me for me. Of he liked one of them I wouldn't be here. The jokes on them, and they couldn't change Matthew's feelings for me, no matter how hard they tried. As I thought.

I herd fans 'ooo and ahh' so I turned around.


I was speechless. I get it he's famous, obviously a fan pulled him in for a kiss. They were kissing for a while though, that's when I got upset. Kayla looked at me in guilt. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I opened my eyes and there they were, nothing changed.

They finally stopped and Matthew just stood there, he stood there looking at his fans, looking at me. The whole room went silent. She ran her thin fingers through his hair, he looked like he was smiling and that drew the line. I couldn't stand there and watch it anymore. I walked out like I was fine but I really wasn't. I say down in the lobby and just tried to think about what just happened. Maybe the fan really did set him up, I don't know. That's when Kayla came in to comfort me.

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