Chapter 10

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Carter was so cute. He uploaded a vine, he stated "congrats to my new favorite couple" and then there was a picture of me and Matthew holding hands and he was kissing me on the noes. The picture was from the first time we hung out, I guess we weren't alone like we thought we were. He tagged me and Matthew and now my vine was blowing up as well. I commented "thanks carter, ily!" I knew he wasn't going to see it but whatever.

Matthew's doctor came in and told us exactly what was wrong with his wrist and stuff, most of it was medical terms that I didn't understand so I just kinda blocked it out. He ended his talk with telling us Matthew can leave once he fills out the papers. He got out of the hospital bed and we all headed to the front desk where he could fill out the forms and stuff. Kayla and I took a stop at the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my hair looked horrible.

--"Kayla, how dare you let me talk to Matthew with me looking like this!" I said while laughing.

--"oh please! you look fine." She replied.

I switched my hair into a messy bun and left. We walked over to the front desk and Hayes gave Mikayla a big hug.

Matthew was signing the papers so I gave him a sweatshirt hug from behind and just held my arms around his stomach, resting my head on his back until he finished. He turned around and kissed me. We walked out of the hospital with his arm around my neck. Before we got into the car Matt squeezed my noes and said

--"your look very cute"

--"you look very cute too" I said back.

--"let's go on our first date tonight, alright?" He asked.

--"I can't go home and change, and I can't go out like this" I said

--"no, that's fine. I like it when you dress down"

--"okay, then were set."

He kissed me and then jumped in the car.

**Matthew's POV**

When Natalie walked into my room, the pain in my arm completely drifted away. She was so special to me. She told me about a girl named Katherine and it got me pretty pissed but I kept my cool. I didn't want her to see me angry.

When the doctor told me I was released I was so happy. We walked down the hallway holding hands. She was just so perfect, I saw right through her flaws because the things I liked about her shines bright. When I felt her hands grip around my stomach and her head laying on my back my I fell completely in love, like I don't even know if there's a word for it. She was just so..perfect, that's the only way I can possibly put it.

I loved seeing her in my sweatshirt. It made me feel loved. I made me feel like someone truly cared about me. I'm not even okay with the thought of me going back to Virginia. I can't risk leaving her. I loved kissing her, it felt like the whole world stopped when I did and I couldn't leave that. I asked her on a date, nothing too fancy, so she could stay in my sweatshirt that she looked absolutely adorable in. I saw a Carnival in town so we're just going to go their, she doesn't know though. In the car ride I couldn't lay my eyes off her.

Author's note: hey! Thanks for reading and I hope your all enjoying:) leave me feed back please! I'd like to know what I should fix. I tried to make this chapter romantic! Did it work? Well I'm going so update as soon as possible! Stay tuned!


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