Chapter 15

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We arrived at the hotel and were able to hear the fans chanting "we want Matt" from the parking lot. Matthew and I scurried inside and into the show room. We ran back stage and he quickly got ready. He ran up on stage and said he was sorry for being late. I went over by Kayla and Hayes.

--"what's the make up for?" I asked Kay


--"tell me what?!?!"

--"Bart asked up to be special guests on tour! Like Hayes and Jacob! We won't be going to all the tours but it will give us time with the boys, I told him yes for you if you don't mind. I knew you would say yes anyway," Kayla replied

I hugged Kayla and a tear rolled down my face, I stopped it with my cheeks caving in with a smile and no more leaked from my eyes. I really thought this would be the end for me and Matt but I guess not. I'll be seeing him like once a month and that was good enough, rather then seeing I'm once every six months.

Matthew came in from the stage and Bart took over, I gave Matt a big hug and told him the good news. He was so excited, kissed me and held his arms around my waist looking into my hazel eyes. He stood there smiling and hugged me again.


--"why do I here fans 'booing' at Bart??" Hayes asked.

We all go silent and started to listen to him speak and the crowd get angry. Matt peaked his head through the certain and right back out.

--"Bart is announcing how you guys are joining and the fans aren't so happy" Matt said.

He cupped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

--"please, please! don't let them bring you down,"

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back, I could tell he was upset and was trying to comfort me. He was so sweet and put others first.

**Matthew's POV**

We got to the hotel and I was able to hear fans chanting my name from the parking lot. I was kind of scared to go out there because who knows how much crap my fans were going to give me. They weren't so supportive and they didn't let me have a social life. Only fans like Nat and Kay understood me like that, I know there's more and I really thank them for that and I wish they could teach these newborns their ways.

I ran inside, and held Nat's hand. I quickly changed my shirt back stage, I put on my 'Nashty' shirt and ran up on stage. I explained to my fans why I was late and they weren't too happy about it. I herd a fan yell "You don't deserve that skank" I blocked her out and decided to keep that comment to myself, but I really just wanted to kick that girl out. Those are the fans I don't like.

Soon enough Bart ran out and I handed him the microphone and I ran off the stage. As soon as I saw Nat she ran up to me with big news. She told me how she would be touring with me, not all of them but I would get to see her way more than I expected. I gave her kiss wrapped my arms around her, I stood there starring into her gorgeous hazel eyes. There were so many little, perfect, things about her. I smiled and hugged her. I couldn't resist hugging her.

Hayes interrupted our 'moment' and asked why he herd fans booing. We all got silent and listened up. I poked my head through the certain and Bart was talking about how the girls will be special guests from now on, like Jacob and them. It was so rude, I didn't want the girls to have any second thoughts in joining. I would miss them both too much.

--"Bart is announcing how you guys are joining and the fans aren't too happy" I said

I pulled Nat closer to me and wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her head.

--"please, please! don't let them bring you down," I told her.

I couldn't let her leave, this was just the beginning of, us.

She nodded yes and layed her head onto my shoulder and I rubbed her back. She looked upset but she held strong. There was nothing else I could do to comfort her, I just wanted to make her happy.

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