Chapter 46

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The whole car ride to the hotel I was thinking about Matt. I was just thinking about giving him a huge hug as soon as I saw him, but then I thought about reality and realized he won't come anywhere near me.

--"Hey Hayes, can I ppleasseee have Matthew's number?"

--"Nope!" he said as he pinched my nose. I swotted his hand away from my face.

--"Please Hayes!"

--"No, I'm sorry!"

--"How would you feel if I kept Kayla's number away from you?"

--"Well she isn't changing her number anytime soon so I have nothing to worry about," he said with a smirk.

--"Then can I at least call him with your phone!"

--"No Nat! I'm sorry!"

I crossed my arms and stared out the window. Then I had another idea.

--"Hey, Taylor!" I said with a big smile on my face. I put my hand down on his right shoulder.

--"Yeah, baby doll?" He shouted from the drivers seat.

Baby doll?

--"Can you ppleasseee give me Matts number,"

--"No can do, babe,"


--"Whyyyy?" I dragged.

--"Because he didn't give it to you for a reason," he said and winked.

--"What's with you?" Aaron asked Taylor.

--"What do you mean?"

--"Baby doll? Babe?? You just winked at her," Aaron said, letting out a chuckle.

--"Shut up Aaron," he snapped back.

--"It is kinda true.." I told him.

--"Aaron, can we please talk about this another time," Taylor asked.

--"Why? What's so private?" Hayes smirked.

--"We all know she's hot. You don't need to keep it a secret," Aaron chuckled.

--"Um thanks," I said

--"Aaron!!" Taylor yelled

--"Okay okay I'll stop,"

--"Just because Matthew's out of the picture doesn't mean you gotta jump in first. Cameron already called dibs," Hayes told Taylor.

--"What the fuck?" I snapped.

--"Hayes shut the fuck up!" Taylor yelled.

--"Is that true..?" I asked.

--"Well..." Hayes stuttered.

--"I'm not a fucking toy!"

--"Shh," Hayes hushed, trying to clam me down.

--"All of you guys are a bunch of fake ass liars, I swear!" I said.

--"Natalie calm down!"

--"Cameron called fucking dibs on me! This isn't a game, I'm not a toy! I want to talk to Matthew right freaking now!" I screeched.

--"Natalie! What's gotten into you!"

--"I'm so stressed! I need to talk to Matthew!"

--"That's the only reason why your flipping out?? My ass!!" Taylor yelled.

--"I wouldn't be flipping out if you weren't such an jerk,"

--"How am I a jerk!?!"

I completely ignored him. I was overreacting, I knew I was. And I couldn't believe the names I called Taylor. He was like a brother to me. I felt horrible.

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