Chapter 9

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Bart called the ambulance, second time today...

A few police men came to check out the scene. They interviewed Kay, Hayes, the other girl, and me. I told the man, officer Paymer, exactly what happened. Katherine was sent to the hospital to get her jaw x-rayed. About two hours later, when the police men were finished interviewing, they came out to speak to us about the consequences.

--"Mr. Grier?"

--"yes officer..?" Hayes said in guilt.

--"I'm gonna give you a warning Mr. Grier. I understand it was self defense and that's okay, but you weren't defending yourself. Just be wiser next time." said officer Paymer.

--"yes, sir. I was just protecting her" said Hayes. He turned around to Mikayla. "I was protecting the love of my life."


The officer didn't hear that part, but I did. They were absolutely adorable together. When they left I gathered Matthew's stuff together and headed up into his room. I got him and T-shirt and his Cameron Dallas shirt. So I kinda saw a really cute sweatshirt in his draw and I put that on. I knew he wouldn't mind. I put his stuff together and put it into his string bag. I walked down to the lobby and met Kay, Hayes, and Nash down there.

We hopped into the car, Nash drove and I called shotgun. The two love birds sat in the back. They kept laughing and smiling, me and Nash get along really well. Besides Matthew, I feel the most comfortable with him, he looks out for me and I can tell he cares. These two boys were really raised right.


We pulled into the parking lot and ran inside.

--"Matthew Espinosa's room please?" Nash asked the lady at the front desk.

--"room 409" she replied

--"okay, thank you."

Once we found the room Nash opened vine and recorded his entrance.

--"IS HE DEAD? OR NAWW?" Nash shouted while running into the room.

Everyone laughed. I walked over to Matthew. He was sitting on the hospital bed with a cast around his wrist.

--"hey baby" he said

At this point we were technically in a relationship. That's the last thing I thought was going to happen when I came here. I didn't ever think I was going to walk out of here with Matthew Espinosa as my boyfriend.

--"hey, Matthew. Here's the stuff you asked for" I said while handing him the bag.

--"thanks" he said while passing the T-shirt to Cameron. "I see you picked up something for yourself." He said with a giggle.

--"oh yea! haha!" I said while pulling the sweatshirt's sleeves around my hands.

--"it's cute on you, keep it." He said with a cute little smile.

I was really falling for Matthew, he was all I was thinking about back at the hotel.

--"what are you so happy about missy" he asked me

--"oh nothing, just thinking:)" I said back

I guess while thinking about him I was smiling, I didn't realize until he pointed me out on it. We took a selfie on his phone and he posted on instagram and tagged me in it, the caption was "she kisses my booboo😉💘" . I knew that probably wasn't the best caption but I didn't mind. Maybe Katherine would see and and finally leave me the hell alone.

--"awh, send me that!" I said

I was checking out the comments and most of them were pretty positive, but of course there's always those haters. I kinda just blocked it out. This was changing my life and I couldn't let those jealous girls ruin it for me. But it wasn't the best idea to tag me because now my phone was blowing up. I got like 1,500 more followers in the last 3 minutes.

--"wow. My phones blowing up with likes followers and comments" I said.

--"get used to it. It gets difficult sometimes. Don't let the haters get to you though, just remember I'll always think your perfect."

I kissed his cast and walked over to

Nash and watched Hayes make a vine with Kayla. "Me and my bæ forever&always" he said and kayla kissed him on the check. We couldn't get over how cute it was. I went to revine it when I was Carter's new upload, it put me in complete shock.

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