Chapter 4

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It was the end of the night and everyone was leaving. I remembered the letter Matthew gave me to read it with kayla::

Dear My Girls,

You girls are honestly different from any other fans I have met. You were so nice and understanding. You didn't beg for my number or ask for my snapchat. I don't even know. You girls were just different, you weren't awkward and I was able to have a simple conversation with you. That's why I'm inviting you to hangout in our hotel room tonight. I wanna get to know you girls a little better. Were level C room 237. Please don't lose this because I can't have anyone finding out our room. I can't wait to see you guys there tonight.



Kayla and I screamed! Were so excited but nervous at the same time.


When the whole event was completely over. And no more fans were left we decided to make our move.

We took the elevator up to level C and searched the hallway for room 237. It wasn't that hard because when we first stepped out of the elevator we heard boy laughs from one side of the hallway, that pretty much narrowed it down.


We knocked on the door and the whole room went silent. We heard a voice change in one of the guys, I know they were trying to sound like a women but we were able to tell it was Nash.

--"hello? Who is it?"

--"oh shut your pipe Nash! I know who it is!" Said Matt

Just double checking, Matthew looked through the peep hole.

--"oooh!! MAA GIRLS!" He said while opening the door.

--"Hi Matthew!!" I said, acting like I haven't seen him in ages.

--"thank you so much for inviting us." Said kayla.

--"no, thank you for coming. I missed you girls so much." Said Matt.

We walked in and the room looked like a war zone. It was such a mess.

--"Matt!? What happened in here?!" I asked.

--"We were playing indo mendo bingo. Ever played?"

Kayla and I looked at each other. And finally responded yes and started laughing.

--"wanna play?" Asked Matt.

--"sure." I responded for kayla and I

We started playing and I spit the water out of my mouth before the game even started. By the end of the recording everybody was soaked. The boys went to change and Mikayla and I felt extremely awkward. We were sitting on there floor in puddles of water while the boys were changing.. Matt finally came out

--"hey, are you guys going to go back to your rooms and change?"

--"we would but were not staying in this hotel." Kayla answered

--"ooh. Well here." He said while putting his jacket around me.

It was such a perfect moment, I was growing feelings for this boy, more than I ever imagined.

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