Chapter 8

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He smiled at me and rubbed my arm.

--"bye beautiful, I love you." He said while the E.M.T. squad lifted him into the back of the first aid truck.

I waved goodbye and blew him a kiss, cheesy I know. He winked at me and then the truck door shut and they were off to the hospital, Cam went with him, since of his experience.

I turn around to see Kayla.

--"AWH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE" she shouted

--"hah, yea right" I replied, It was pretty cute but I didn't wanna sound cocky.

--"that was so adorable!" She said

--"like you and Hayes don't have something going on! Ha you guys are two little cuties, I saw you hold his hand!" I said, but I was all true.

--"I don't know, not sure if I'd date someone younger than me." She replied, she lied. I mean come on who doesn't like Hayes.

--"it's Hayes freaking Grier." I said on shock.

--"AWH I KNOW HE'S SO CUTE!" Ha! She gave in, I knew it!

--"see! Haha!!" I said

We walked back into the hotel. Bart asked us to gether Matthew's belongings together and bring them up to his room. We were pretty close to Bart at this point. He was so nice and I was so thankful he put this together, he's really dedicated to these boys. We walked backstage and Kayla asked Nash where his stuff was. He pointed to a gray duffle bag. Two girls were standing around the bag, I was able to tell this wasn't going to be good.

--"excuse me? That's not your stuff." said Kayla.

--"its not yours either" said the girls, she was still starring at the bag. She started taking pictures of it.

--"its Matthew's" she said again finally looking at us in the eyes.

oh my gosh.

--"I know, so stop. I said. I new exactly who it was, Katherine Chung. She is overlly obsessed with these boys. She made up "National or naw day" and "Bandana man Mondays" . She tells people she has Matt and Nash's number and that they are really close, BAHAHAHA.

--"Katherine? What are you doing here anyways?" I said trying not to casue any problems.

--"What do you want 'Fadden? Matthew asked me to bring his stuff to the hospital for him, so get lost."

--"yea right! Bart asked us to bring Matt's stuff to his hotel room, so it will be there when he gets home later tonight." Kayla replied.

I looked over Katherines shoulder and the girl who asked me where the boys room was, was with Katherine. She looked absolutly pissed.

--"your just jealous we have connections and you don't."

kayla was on her last nerve "HAYES" she yelled.

--"yea babe?" he said while running over to us.


--"apperently, you have no clue who I am." said Kayla to Hayes.

--"I like you a lot, what do you mean, kayla?" answered Hayes.

--"Yea, thats what I thought." said Kayla.

--"Anyways, Natalie, you seem very quite." said Katherine.

At that moment my back pocket vibrated. I got a text from Matthew.

Matthew💕☺️: Hey loviee! the doctors are now accepting visiters. Can you pick me up a T-shirt and my Cameron Dallas sweat shirt then you and Kay come on over? tell the guys they can come whenever.

--"okay, Katherine. We are getting Matthew's stuff and leaving." I said, trying so hard to keep my cool.

Kayla leaned over to get Matthew's duffle bag and Katherine pushed her.

--"Dude, leave me alone." Kayla said while pushing her out of her way.

Katherine lifted her arm and clenched her fist, a split second before she swung at Kay, Hayes punched Katherine right in the jaw. She yelp in pain, so loud that everybody at the show heard over Jack&Jack's praformence of flights. Bart ran backstage to see what was going on. Know one in the audience knew what was happening.

About five minutes later Bart went on stage and stopped jack&jack. He announced everyone to leave.

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