Chapter 5

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After we chit chatted for at least an hour It was time to end the night. Kayla and I got all of our stuff together and said goodbye to all the boys. Right Before I went out the door Matt gripped his warm hand onto my shoulder, I knew he wasn't going to let me leave this easy.

--"nat, let kayla leave. You can catch up. This will only take a minute" he whispered is my ear.

--"okay." I said "kayla I'll only be 5 minutes, I-I'm, uh. I gotta use the bathroom before I leave."

--"okay, nat. My mom will be around front." She replied .

When Mikayla left, me and Matt just walked up and down the hallway holding hands, at least 4 times before either one of us said a word. It would have been awkward with any other boy, but I felt pretty comfortable with Matthew although I have only known him for two days. He just made me feel...I, I don't even know. He finally started talking.

--"so yep!" Matt said.

--"huh?" I replied.

--"I didn't really have anything to say to you, I just wanted to spend time with you, alone." He said with a half smile

I was able to tell he smiled but was just trying to hold it in.

--"awh, your cute" I said in kid-ish sort of way, but I meant it.

--"your cute too" he said while kissing me on the top of my nose.

He asked me for my number so I put my contact in his phone, "Nat☺️❤️". We weren't in a "relationship" it was just one of those "best boy friend" kinda things, the guy that protects you from other guys, the one who acts like an older brother but you don't fight with. Yeah, that kind of relationship. After about 10 minutes I told him it was time to go.

--"Kayla's waiting, sorry I got to go."

--"okay, bye beautiful." He said this one of those "Matthew Espinosa" smiles he has.

It made me laugh. He was good at that.


I walked down to the lobby and saw some fans trying to find the boys room. Two girls came up to me asking if I new. I honestly just wanted to tell them to get lost but I simply told them nope. I didn't really care if I lied, it's not like I was ever going to see those girls again.

I got in to the car and kayla asks me.

--"well that was a long pee. 12 minute piss nat. Freak." She said while laughing.

I could tell he was joking, being my best friend, we do that. I just laughed.

During the car ride home we just spoke to Kayla's mother, telling her about the experience and how perfect it was meeting all the boys. We didn't mention us hanging out with them, she might not have felt completely comfortable with her daughter and her best friend hanging out with a bunch of boys we didn't know completely well.

We were almost home when I got a text from Matt,

Matthew💕☺️: hey! I miss you guys alreadyyy

Me: samee! I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!

Matthew💕☺️: you guys are really cool. I mean like I had to ask you for your number. It wasn't the other way around. That's why I can't talk to most fans. You girls are great.

Me: well thankyouu, well I gtg, Kayla's about to drop me off home. Byeeee

Matthew💕☺️: biiii!!😘

He was so sweet! I didn't really want to end our conversation, but I was getting really car sick.


By the time we got home it was around 8:15 p.m. so I decided to take a shower. I washed my hair with Pantene anti-frizz shampoo and then washed my body with some tea tree body wash. Then I shaved my legs because I was planning on wearing shorts tomorrow.

After my shower I blew out my hair so it would be easier to curl the next morning. By then it was 10:35 and I decided to listen to some music, check the twitter & text some people. While checking twitter I noticed I had a new follower. I clicked the notification tab and @thematthewespinosa was following me, my heart sank. This was like a dream come true.

I quickly texted Kayla,

Me: Omgg! Kayla!! Matts following me on twitter!!!!

It didn't take her long to reply.

kaylaa💋: OMG NO WAY!! LUCKY!

Me: Omg! I'm freaking out!



kaylaa💋: ¿is this real life?

Me: yes!

kaylaa💋: well I'm gonna go dream about how perfect magcon is so bye!

Me: bye kayla! Lol.

By the end of our conversation my eyes were getting heavy from the bright light of my screen. I went to get a late night snack and scurried off to bed, this honesty felt like a dream.

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