Chapter 39

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**Matthew's POV**

That was such and amazing feeling. She loves me too. I was so hesitant on telling her because I was scared she didn't love me back. Natalie is the best thing that has happened to me since vine. I haven't ever been so serious in a relationship before. I feel so much more comfortable with her now that we know how we really feel about each other.

**Natalie's POV**

Woah. I can't even believe those words came out of my mouth. I haven't ever been in love. But was I really in love?

I take love very seriously. When I see couples say I love you after 3 hours of dating, I just can't. I find that absolutely ridiculous. But if Matthew was willing to love me, I was able to give him back the same in return.


After an amazing show we all went back to our room (Me, Kay, & Mahogany). We all took a seat, I sat down on my bed and Matthew sat down next to me. We all decided to film a massive ask me video for YouTube. We all tweeted about it. I tweeted;

Ask me and the MagCon boys your questions that you are most dying to know about, use the hashtag #ExtremeAskMe

We waited about 15 minutes before we actually started to film the video.

--"Before we start! Let's only answer like really personal questions. Not like your favorite color and stuff," said Aaron

--"I'm up for that challenge," said Gilinsky in a creepy tone.

--"It wasn't really a challenge, but okay then..." Aaron said laughing.

Shawn ran up to the camera and pressed the record button. We all sat down in a circle and started the intro.

--"Hey Guys! Today I am here with all the guys, Mahogany, Natalie, and Kayla! As most of you may know, Natalie and Kayla are new additions to our family. So with that let's begin!"Johnson said.

--"Today were gonna be doing an Ask Me video!" Taylor announced.

--"And the reason it says 'Extreme' is because it's with every signal one of us! We all with be answering questions!" Jacob added.

--"They also won't be ordinary questions! We are only answering like personal and deep questions. Not like our favorite color and food and what not," Mahogany said.

--"Because....There are a lot of rumors about us we would like to answer for you guys!" Aaron made clear.

--"Let's start!" Hayes shouted.

After a few minutes of searching on our phones, Cameron finally found a good one.

--"From @xxCamsFanpagexx: There's a HUGE rumor that you and Madison Beer are dating, is it true?; Nope!"

We all thought they would be an adorable couple but I guess it's not happening.

--"From @MelissssaReynoldssss: Why'd you ever date Deborah? She's a slut!; Well I dated Deborah because she was beautiful inside and out. I wish I still had the opritunity to make things better. Don't call her a slut because she's clearly not," Carter spoke to the camera.

--"Yeah, I've met Deborah. You guys all know about our twitter fight but she's actually a really nice girl so don't look at her bad because of me," Matt added.

--"From @magconmadness241: Is Jox, Natthew, and Kayes really happening!?!?!" Jacob announced.

Jacob and Mahogany looked at each other and smiled. Mahogany bit her lip blushed and then Jacob looked away laughing. They never responded yes or no, but we all know they have something going on.

--"Yeah," Hayes confessed quietly to himself.

--"Absolutely, we are dating! You guys are trying to hide the fact that your couples. But if you love somebody that much you won't care what our fans think. Our fans are amazing and supportive, you don't have to keep it from them. I want the whole world to know that I'm dating Natalie. I'm proud of what we have become," Matthew preached. He wrapped his arm around me and our lips met but quickly detached.

--"Love you," I told Matthew. He kissed my cheek and then we got back to the video.

Overall we filmed the video for about and hour and a half.

--"We got a lot of editing to do and an early flight tomorrow so were gonna head off," Nash told us and him and Cameron got up and left.

We all had a 8:00 flight. I'm going to missed them all so much. At least I won't have to wait as long as I did last time. The next even it with coming Friday and it's Sunday.

--------Skipping to Next Morning--------

I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and packed my bags. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my makeup and ect. I quickly ate breakfast and we were all out the door. We met up with the boys in the hallway and we all heard to the lobby. I ran over by Matthew and he wrapped his arm around me.

--"I'm gonna miss my best friend," I told him.

--"But you and Kayla go to school together......."

--"Not her! You!" I said laughing. "I'll miss my boyfriend," I said correcting myself

--"Awh babe, I'm gonna miss you too,"

We reached the lobby and there was 2 limos waiting for us. Half of us went in one limo and the other half went in the other. On our way to the air port we talked about how much fun MagCon Seattle will be. We all can't wait to go.

I'm going to miss them all so much. When you join MagCon you really are welcomed in like family.

We got to the air port and went through security. After security we sat down and me and Matthew took the time to say our goodbyes. It was 7:53 when we heard over the loud speaker, "392 flight to New Jersey is now boarding!" Me and Matt looked at each other and got up out of our seats. He grabbed my waisted with one hand and my jaw with the other. I wrapped my arm around his back and used my other hand on his neck to play with the ends of his hair. His lips planted on mine and I didn't want to let go. I stroked the back of his hair and he kept gripping me tighter around the waist.

"Last call. 392 flight to New Jersey is now boarding,"

He released from his strong grip and locked his hand into mine. He picked up my bags and walked me as far as he could.

--"Goodbye Nat, I love you,"

--"Love you too," I said as I boarded the plane with Kayla.

Author's Note; hey bæ! did you enjoy this chapter? I'm so sorry I haven't been updating lately. Between school and home I just haven't found the time to update.

If you don't mind following my Matthew Espinosa fanpage that would be great;) it's; myespii

stay perfect



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