Chapter 32

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My first day back was my worst day back. I was missing Matthew to no end. I missed being in his arms. We were texting all throughout the day. I didn't get as much hate as I was expecting but Katherine was worse than she ever was. I tried my hardest to ignore her but words ran out for my mouth before I could think. I felt like a total bitch but I really don't care anymore.


The day of all days... Mike came up to me and I automatically got the chills.

--"Who was that punk you were with the other day?" he said annoyingly. I stood there and starred. I was to scared to speak.

--"Huh?" He spoke again.

--"It was my boyfriend. His name is Matthew, Matthew Espinosa. Your probably to dumb to realize who he is but whatever," I totally regretted the last part.

He walked towards me and I backed away. Kayla stood in front of me because we all know he would never touch Kayla. Kayla is a strong girl. She's big in soccer and all that stuff and she's really tough.

He backed off and we all walked away. I hurried off to my next class in a pant. I tried to get over what just happened.

Later on the evening I texted Matt and told him exactly what happened. He wasn't so thrill and he wants me to tell an adult. I don't know if I can. I'm to scared. What if he hurts me even more if I told somebody? Matthew won't let that happen. I need a couple of days to think about that.

**Matthew's POV**


After school Natalie told me what Mike did to her in school. I could only imagine what she has been going through. She told me that ever since that incident 4 months ago, he has stayed away from her. But now that I'm in the picture, he's becoming more active again. I told her she needs to tell an adult. Whether it's her mother, guidance teacher, aunt, sibling. I don't care. She just needs to tell a person that will give her the help she needs. I didn't tell her this, but if she doesn't tell anyone before Sunday I am telling her mom whether she likes it or not. If she ends our relationship because of it, I won't care because I will know I helped her. And that's all I need.


Nothing really happened on Wednesday. It was just normal day. Everyone in my school understands me now. I don't have a very big grade, so we're all friends. There were a lot of people I had to explain it to but now they understand. But I'm not so sure if Nat's school understands. I feel so bad that I can't be there to help her.

I posted the picture of Natalie that she sent to me Sunday night for Woman Crush Wednesday (#wcw). The one with her wearing my sweatshirt. Damn I love that picture. Fans got mad but I think Natalie can careless at this point. It's just her classmates that bother her.


After school I texted Carter. Our conversation was something I would never have imagined.

Me: Hey carter! I mishhhh you!!!

Carter😂💥: Hey bud!

Me: how's life?

Carter😂💥: I miss Deborah:(

Me: yeah, I miss Natalie:( we can join a 'missing my girl friend' club😂

Carter😂💥: lol, I love Debbie so much!!😍

Love? Was Carter serious? How does he know he loves her if there that early into their relationship? I help Carter make big choices, he's my bestfriend. I always try to look out for him. Should I tell him to slow it down, or will he just get angry? Maybe he really is in love with her, who knows. I just hope he isn't running into their relationship to fast. I really hope he wasn't serious.

Author's Note; Hey bæ! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1000!! I love you guys so much!! I really hope your enjoying my Fan Fiction<3 and if you are go check out my other story! it's about Nash Grier and it's called; Overwhelming Love, I will be publishing a new chapter for it tomorrow so catch up on it! Stay perfectt



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