Chapter 14

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We snuggled up on to the couch and I layed my head on his chest and he played with my hair. We watch a movie, Divergent. It was really good.

I noticed that the clock said 2:30.

--"Matt! We gotta go!!" I yelled

He looked up at the clock and his eyes widened. It took us two and a half hours and the event started at 4:00, would we make it? We quickly put our stuff together and ran out the door.

I put the radio's volume up to 13, not too loud but enough to stop the silence. I pulled a lever that was attached to my seat and pushed it back all the way until it was flat. I opened the skylight that was just above my head and just lated back. I watched the clouds go by and thought about my last few days, and how I don't know how I'm going to leave him. It almost brought me to tears just thinking about it but I couldn't let matthew see me weak.

Matthew looked over at me and turned down the music. He looked back at me and stared into my eyes.

--"babe, what's wrong?"

I sat my seat back up and the words fell out of my mouth.

--"I was just thinking, thinking about the weekend and how I would never be able to think this would ever happen to me. It's not going to be easy watching you leave. That's what's wrong,"

--"Nat, listen. I'm not so happy about leaving either. We can still keep this going. I'll try to go up here as much as possible. I'm willing to try if you are.

I put my hand over his and they intertwined. I looked into his eyes and nodded.


After being in the car for two hours I got a call from Hayes.

--"dude where are you?"

--"dude...?" I replied. Last time I check, I was a girl.

--"hah, sorry. But really where are you guys. The crowd is getting pissed!"

--"sorry! we won't be there for another half hour"

--"okay, bye!"

I said goodbye and hung up. I opened my camera roll and looked through some picture of me and Matthew from today. Matt glanced over and looked at the picture I was currently on.

--"hey, that ones cute"

It was one from this morning, when we were on our way here. This picture was from a side angle from the passenger seat and Matthew was driving. I decided to post it on instagram. I opened the app 'square ready' and centered the picture. I sent it to instagram and wrote my caption, "road trip🌴✌️❤️" I tagged Matthew. I took his phone and liked it for him.

Fans weren't too pleased. A lot of girls from the event saw the photo. They commented stuff like "that's where he is" or "you stole our Matthew" there was one where it said "he's missing bc of you" , Matthew told me to ignore it and to ignore it at the event too because there all going to blame me. Like I said before, a few jealous fans weren't going to stop me from loving Matt, my love was too strong. Atleast I think.

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