Chapter 42

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**Natalie's POV**

I hung up the phone furious and disappointed. How could he ever do something like that? I understand that they aren't dating, but the fact that he lied to me is over whelming. But was I too harsh? Was I over thinking to situation? I still want to be as close as friend as possible, but maybe we won't be. Did I make a huge mistake? A huge part of me wants to redial his number and call him back to tell him how sorry I am. But I have to stay strong. I need to go with my gut instinct. I was making the right choice.

**Matthew's POV**

I hung up the phone regretful and mortified. I can't believe the words that came out of her mouth. She actually uttered, "I can't continue our relationship," woah. I can't imagine my life without her. I really can't. In all honesty, I was in love and I'll do whatever it takes to be with her again. I need to prove my loyalty. I truthfully love her.

**Natalie's POV**

---------Skipping to Thursday----------

I was still getting over the fact that me and Matthew were no longer together. I had regrets, many actually, but things were the way they needed to be. Matt and I weren't going to end up getting married and everything anyway, so I'm okay with the choice I made.

I was at lunch when I got a text from Matthew.

Matthew😁💙: hey!

I still want to be best friends with Matthew, he knows to much about me for me not to.

Me: hey, what's up?

Matthew😁💙: I was wondering if you have been thinking about 'us' lately..

Me: tbh I haven't stopped

Matthew😁💙: do you think you've changed your mind at all?

Me: I want to, but I really can't

Matthew😁💙: ohh, okay

Me: sorry Matt. but can we still be as close as we use to be. Like be best friends?

Matthew😁💙: defiantly

At that moment the bell rang and Kay and I were off to class.

--"Wanna come pick Hayes up at the airport with me tonight?" Kayla asked me.

--"Yeah sure, what time?"



----------Skipping to airport----------

--"Flight 134 has now landed," said an old lady over the fuzzy intercom.

Mikayla squealed with joy and ran over the the exit. She watched one by one as all the passengers hoped off the plane. We soon saw a tall blue eyed boy. Kayla ran up to him and jumped into his arms. They pulled into a kiss and I could just imagine Matt and I doing the same thing. We were a happy, typical couple. Part of me misses what we had but I needed to stop thinking about him.

**Mikayla's POV**

When I saw Hayes I ran to him full of excitement, but he wasn't the only one there that I recognized. I saw someone else I knew. I was really close friends with him actually. It was Matthew. I knew Nat wouldn't want to see him, not now anyway, with all that's going on she needs time off. Although, I needed to know why he was here. It was for Natalie of course, but she certainly wasn't going to take him back.

--"Hey Nat, uh, can you go and find Hayes' luggage for him," I asked to stall her.

--"Why me?" she asked in confusion.

--"Please," I begged.

--"Okay okay,"

Natalie left and I needed to find Matt before Nat did first.

--"What's going on?" Hayes asked me.

--"Matts here! We gotta find him,"

--"Why? Aren't him and Nat in a huge fight?"

--"Exactly the reason why I'm trying to find him!"

We ran around the airport trying to find him. But when I did it might have been to late. They were both looking for luggage. They were just feet away from each other. If one lifted their head the would become face to face. I quickly ran over to Matt, grabbed his wrist and pulled him across the room. He was scared and tense at first, but when he realized it was just me he calmed down.

--"What are you doing here?!?!" I yelled.

--"Oh hey Kay!:)"

--"Matt, focus!!"

--"Well, I was gonna surprise Natalie by taking her to prom..."

--"Ya know she's gonna kill you, right?"

--"Well I was thinking that maybe if she saw me again she would think back on our memories and realized how much she missed me and maybe she would wanna take me back..."

--"I don't know Matt, I really don't,"

--"I just wanna see her, face to face,"

--"You were standing 4 feet apart from each other and didn't even realize,"

--"She's here!?! I gotta see her!!"

--"No, just wait for tomorrow night, okay?"


Author's Note; hey bæ! FINALLY GOT A NEW PHONE🎉 so happyyyy! sorry I haven't updated in foreverrrr. but I hope you liked this chapter and I can't wait for you guys to see the showdown at prom. Will Natalie take Matt back? Or has she found someone else? Not updating until Sunday. Stay perfect.



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