Chapter 23

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Well I have been home for a week and a week without Matthew left. It's been tough, all the hate is annoying but it doesn't bring me down. I just hope they get over it soon and it's normal again.

Matthew and it text each other everyday and kept in touch as much as possible. We Face Timed last night and he didn't seem happy, I wasn't that happy either. I missed him so much.

**Matthew's POV**

I haven't ever missed someone so much in my life. Natalie meant everything to me as of the moment and I would pass up anything to see her right now. I tweeted about her a few times but I don't know if she noticed. I couldn't wait to see her again. We had a week before I saw her again but it felt like forever. I couldn't wait any longer. I was driving up to see her this weekend. It was Friday night and I was leaving to go to New Jersey. She didn't know, I was gonna stop by and then stay in a hotel. I wanted go spend as much time with her as possible on Saturday and Sunday. I left pretty late, 5:00. I wouldn't get there until like 11:00. I couldn't wait to get there.

**Nat's POV**

I called Matthew and he rejected. I was kinda disappointed because I really wanted to talk to him, but it was a Friday night so he was probably hanging out with friends. Sometimes I thought he forgot about me, but I just always had that insecurity, that people forgot about me. But I don't think Matthew would ever forget, he wasn't like that. At least I thought. I just missed him.

**Matthew's POV**

It was around 11:30 when I pulled into her drive way and I was so excited. I was kind of nervous though because I haven't ever met her parents.

I knocked on her door, hoping she was still awake. The door creaked open and her head popped out and she screamed. Tears rolled down her face as she attacked me in a hug. I gave her a kiss and I never felt like this, it was spontaneous. It felt so good to hold her again. She was in her pajamas; a pink tank top and blue shorts, so we walked inside because I could tell she. was freezing. I kept my arm around her to warm her back up.

Her mom seemed really nice and understanding, I would have met her dad but he was on a business trip. It was kind of good because I wasn't prepared yet to meet her dad.

We sat in her living room, and were chit chatting for about an hour. She seemed so happy the whole time. She wouldn't stop smiling. Knowing that I'm the reason she's so happy makes me feel amazing.

I couldn't say goodbye but I had too. I was going to we her tomorrow and I couldn't wait. It was like 12:45 by the time I left and I already missed her.

I checked into the hotel that was only a few blocked away from her house. I got my key and went up to my room. I quickly unpacked and went to sleep. She ran through my mind all night.

**Nat's POV**

I was sitting in bed on my phone, scrolling through twitter when I heard the door bell ring. I was kind of scared because it was 11:30 at night. Me and my mom walked over to the door and slowly opened it. I screamed with excitement and Matthew have a big grin on him face. I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. The tears started to roll down my face as we began to kiss. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

I introduced him to my mom and he seemed pretty chill about it. He wasn't ready to meet my dad, so it was good he was away on a business trip.

We stayed up talking for an hour and I couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy. I honestly couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. He drove up 7 hours just to see me. I couldn't see him leave though, I knew I was going to see him tomorrow but it was just so hard to see him leave. I was going to hang out with him tomorrow, I was looking forward to one of the best weekends of my life.

Author's Note; hey bæ! I hope you liked this chapter! I tried to make it romantic! I updated late, I know:/ but read my new story; Overwhelming Love, it's about Nash Grier and I can't wait for you guys to read it. I'm updating it tomorrow to stay tuned!



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