Chapter 20

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**Matthew's POV**

--"Why are you doing this so me?" I asked.

--"What are you talking about?" Shawn replied.

--"You wrapped your arm around her, you were flirting with her, she was uncomfortable the whole time. You know she's mine and how much I love her, yet you do this to me,"

--"Chill, I just wanted her to feel comfortable around me like she does with all the other guys. I wasn't trying to break you guys up, I swear. I wouldn't ever do that. We cool?"

--"I don't know, I still have more questions to ask you," I replied.

--"Like what?"

--"Why did you flirt with her, that's what I don't get," I was really getting angry.

Before he was able to respond Nat came over and held my hand and pulled me over. I didn't like her seeing me this mad. It was embarrassing.

--"I think it's best if I go, me being apart of this is splitting up friendships and I can't see that happen,"

--"Your not leaving, I won't let you. You don't understand Natalie, your fine," I replied and my heart sank, did she want to leave because she didn't like seeing me like this. ugh.

-"Are you sure? I just don't wanna ruin anything," she asked.

--"You couldn't ever split us apart," I leaned in and hugged her. Her hugs were so welcoming.

Soon Shawn came over and apologized.

--"Nat, listen. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I was never trying to split you and Matt up. I swear,"

She accepted his apology and gave him a hug, but they weren't the same kind of hugs I get. The ones I get are more meaningful.

Nat ran over to Kayla and walked back with her. I walked back with Shawn, just about half way until I ran up to Nat and gave her a big hug, from behind. She flinched and it made me laugh. I kissed her cheek and she turned around, giving me the most genuine kiss. Soon our hands intertwined. I knew this was my last hour with Natalie, for two weeks, I had to make it last.

**Natalie's POV**

I couldn't bare to watch the boys fight any longer. I knew what I had to do, if I needed to go I'll go. It would be better for everyone. I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist and ran over to the side.

--"I think it's best if I go, me being apart of this is splitting up friendships and I can't see that happen,"

His response was so comforting and I couldn't say anything less but that I would stay. You seriously can't say no to him, he's too cute. He gave me a hug, and his hugs were so genuine. I could never again look at him and not hug him.

Soon enough Shawn came over and apologized, that really meant a lot to me. I gave him a hug, but not at all did I get the sparks that I do when I hug Matthew. Know one else has ever made me feel this way besides him.

I ran off with Kayla and I just filled her in on what happened. Soon came Matthew and he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek, to be honest I didn't know who it was a first and I flinched but, who else could it be. I turned around and our lips touched. He held my hand and we walked back go the hotel, I was going to miss him, his smile, his laugh, his hugs, all the little things about him he doesn't even know I know about. I was going to miss everything about him and there was know way to stop what I felt and know one could make me.

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