Coraline AU

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With a small click, out came a young boy. With him, a black raincoat, shoulder bag, and a love for discovery.

He walks for a few minutes, making his way down to the dead garden in front of the residence. While doing so, he stumbles upon a bush, and from it, he picks out a twig in the shape of a 'Y'.

With imagination, he holds the two ends, pointing the bottom in a forward direction. He acts as if it's leading him somewhere. Even if its wasn't. He heard that doing this, you could find plenty of water.

He soon finds himself on a rocky hill, hearing crumbling of rocks fall. He looked up to see that it was just a black cat. Awesome.

He lead himself on and came across a well. It was surrounded by a fairy ring of mushrooms. Very interesting.

The wind already started picking up. Why so suddenly?

Up on the hill be hind him, he heard motors raging along with a loud yell. He looked up to see that there was a figure in a baggy coat, wearing a mask with multiple lenses, and on a motorcycle.

The boy was terrified. As, soon as the mysterious figure started quickly down the hill, the boy was screaming at this point. He safely jumped out of the way as the motorcycle stopped a little past him.

The presumably male got off the bike and removed his mask. It was a boy, but he had honey-brown eyes, chocolate hair that was somewhat in a quiff, and face wild, smudged with grays and blacks.

The younger boy just stared at this interestingly wild male.

"Who are you?"

"I'd like to ask the same"

"I'm Wybie. Short for 'Why Born' or something. What name were you saddled with?"

"I wasn't 'saddled' with anything. It's Coraline"

"Caroline what?"

"Coraline!Coraline Jones!"

"I've heard that people with a normal name like Caroline, people had normal expectations for you."

The other boy just glared.

"Also, just call me Princey"


"Why do you think?"


"Also, isn't Coraline a g-"

"Don't you dare say it"

"Fine. Still, what if I tell my family about you, they'd think you're a girl. Obviously, you're not"

"You really don't have many friends, do you?You tell your family about all of them?"

"You're that kind of person, aren't you?"

"That's pretty stereotypical, don't you think?"

"Just tell me what to call you."


"Seriously?A normal name please"

"What about you, Princey?"the boy stomped hard on the ground.

"Shut up. Also, stomp to hard and you'll fall in the well."

"What well?"

"The one you almost just fell into."

The bot jumped back in fear seeing that he was standing on the well that he earlier saw. The boy known as 'Princey' took a large stick and opened up the well.

"Some legends say that if you fell in there and looked up, you'd see a sky full of star in the middle of the day!"

The younger male, Anxiety, gawked at his knowing and understanding of this history. He really didn't seem like he would.

In the distance, a call was heard for 'Why Born'.

"I think I heard someone calling you Princey"

"What, I-I didn't hear anything."

"Oh I definitely heard something, 'WHY were you born?'"

Another call was heard.

"Grandma"Princey turned around and faced Anxiety. He flashed a nervous smile and gave a small laugh, only to be glared at.

"Also, I'd wear gloves next time."


"That branch you're holding"Anxiety looked down."It's poison oak."

Anxiety immediately dropped the branch, wiping his hands on his coat.

"Bye Anx!!!"Princey yelled riding away.

Anxiety just stood there blowing raspberries with his tongue.


So how was that!?It's going to be in multiple parts FYI. So don't be sad!

My sister helped with grammar mistakes. Thank you to her.

Without further distractions....

#6-Meh face!I was Anxiety while cleaning my mom's bathroom after I found her eyeshadow.

Prinxiety/Logicality One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now