Less Puns, More Pain

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"Hey Logan!What's the worst thing about a party in outer space??"He looked up at me. Clearly he was annoyed, but it didn't look that bad.

He sighed. "What is it?"he asked.

"You have to planet."I started laughing, but he didn't budge.

"Come on Logan!You know you want to laugh!"He gave a sarcastic chuckle in response. I pouted. "You're no fun"

I decided to try again later.

"Hey Logan!"He groaned in response.

"What is it now?"

"Well, that's not very nice. Still, I went fishing with Skrillex..."He glared at me from across the table.

"What?What could've possibly happened?"I smiled.

"He kept dropping the bass..."I smiled with my tongue sticking out. It was a small habit of mine.

He just groaned in higher annoyance.

Okay....I guess I'll tell him one I know he'll love!

"Hey Lo-"

"What?!What is it now?!"Just hearing that caused a tight pain in my chest like my heart skipped a couple beats. Literally.

"Um....W-what do you d-do when a chemist d-dies?"I felt nervous. I hated yelling. Especially from Logan.

"What..."His voice was deep and filled with hatred.

"B-bar...bar....I can't do this..."I ran off to my room. If he wants me quiet, I'll stay quiet.

The thing is though is the fact that I can't live without my humor. When I don't make jokes or puns for a long period of time, I start fading and if I'm too quiet, I die.

That seems to be what Logan wants. He doesn't want my voice around to try to cheer him up.

(Trigger warning:Suicidal thoughts and self harm!!Skip til you see the bold '!!!'. Then you're good.)

Nobody liked my jokes. Not since the first day I said one. Everyone hated me the moment I made cheesy pun. The moment I said anything about one, they said,"Oh god. This guy is going to be boring"

I walked to the bathroom...

Nobody needed my coaxing words...

I grabbed a blade....

I was going to die anyway....

I put it to my wrist....

I will not cry from this. I will stay quiet...

I tied the cardigan and bit down on it...

One for every word of love to Anxiety...

He never cared....

One for every laugh with Roman.....

Every smile was fake....

One for every joke to cheer up Logan....

And you always thought he loved you...

Everything started going black and all I heard were screams of terror.

~le sad time skip~

I woke up on my bed. I looked over at my arm. It was wrapped up. I guess that's fine. I looked farther around to see Logan sitting on a chair by the bed. He had tears in his eyes and he was hugging himself tight.

"P-patton...how...how could you do that?"He looked up at me. I tried speaking, but I couldn't. I needed to tell him what he did.

My chest was getting that tight feeling again. If I can't talk, I won't live for another few hours. I was already fragile and my cheeks were hollowed.

I pointed over at my desk(yes, I had one too)at a note pad and pen. He grabbed it for me. I could barely even hold the pen, so the words were shaky.

He read it.

"W-what?How did I do this?!"I sobbed harder than before. I wrote.

"Patton...I was having a bad day. I didn't feel like hearing puns and I should've just said so instead of yelling at you like that. Still, why did you do...that...?"He pointed at my arm. I wrote again.

"Patton...I-I don't....huh?!"He looked up quickly when I started coughing hard. I couldn't breath and it felt like my lungs were being crushed. I held my chest in pain and I heard soft whispers.

Patton...you need to go now...

I recognized those voices. It was my time.

"NO NO PATTON NO!!Come one Patton!Stay with me!!"I was fighting with my heart and eyelids. My whole body just wanted to shut down.

"hey logan..."He was crying really hard.


"what do you do with a chemist that's dead...?"I smiled, but he was hugging me tight.

"No no!Patton please don't!"

"you barium....goodbye Logan..."I slowly faded into a mist and everything was gone.

"I love you so much Patton..."


Well, there's my daily tears of the day. That was so sad!!

Welp, I don't really have anything to say sooo.....

Goodbye precious garden flowers and beautiful Sanders Sunshine!!

Tulip Out!

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