Painless Injury

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I couldn't feel emotions, yes. Pain?Physically, I couldn't feel it.

     When I was first manifested in the mind, I was considered a freak for my ability to not feel pain. Because of this, I've broken many bones and and almost died of gushing blood and didn't realize it until I was actually close to death.

     The many half-traits faded and Roman, Patton, and Anxiety all came to be. They never knew about my mysterious ability to not scream and cry when I break my arm or leg or scrape my knee in Thomas's driveway. They never did until a while ago when we were running around, unlike Thomas, and playing soccer.

     Anxiety tried passing the ball, but for a tiny guy, he has a powerful kick. The ball came and hit me in the face. First, breaking my glasses and small shards of glass scratched my nose. Second, the ball hit my nose, so I had a nosebleed. Finally, we later figure out that my nose was broken.

     This might sound pretty normal for any regular soccer players, but knowing Thomas, he will scream and cry from getting a broken nose and he'd have a panic attack from seemingly large amounts of lost blood.

     I sat calmly and silently while Patton stared in amazement at my power of not running around until I hit my face into a pole. He got it cleaned up and gave me his glasses until we could get new ones for me. He put on a splint and we went home.

     Thomas had a new Sanders Sides video coming out today and we were recording. He found it weird that Morality had no glasses on and I had blood stains on my lip and chin along with a splint on my nose.

"Um...what happened to Logan and why does Patton not have his glasses on?"

"Unlike you, we practice sports. We were playing soccer in the Mind Field and while playing, Anxiety tried passing the ball to me. It hit me in the nose, thus breaking it. Though, small fact, I cannot feel any types of pain. Before now, I've broken so many bones and have gotten cuts and scrapes and have sometimes almost died. When I got the broken nose, I didn't realize it was bleeding or broken, because I couldn't actually feel anything."

     They all just stared.

     I had a lot to explain to all of them...


I'm so sorry it was so short and the events were not anything like what the prompt said. Very sorry. It's 1:39 am for me right now and I need to sleep. I've got 13 more prompts to write after this. I'm a fast writer so don't worry.

Goodbye precious garden flowers and beautiful Sanders Sunshine!

Tulip Out!

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