Tagged 1 and 2

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I got tagged by SakuraHayasaki twice..... I love you ssoooo much. Still, its a chance to get to know me way more.

Tag 1:

1) Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Why?

I say...... team.... Iron Man? I don't have much of a reason why. I'm just choosing randomly.

2) Cheesecake or chocolate?

Definitely cheesecake. I cant eat a lot of chocolate.

3) Favorite woman superhero?

Wonder woman!

4) Favorite male superhero?

Spiderman obviously!!

5) Favorite female villain?

Cat woman

6) Favorite male villain?

I cant decide. Its between Joker and Loki.

7) DC or Marvel?


8) Favorite ships?

I have too many, but I'll do my top five.

1) Phan
2) Logicality
3) Septiplier
4) Theo (aka Sandgiant)
5) Jomas Sandart

9) Favorite genre of books?


10) Favorite book right now?

Believe it or not, I read The Murder of Rodger Ackroyd by Agetha Christie. It is the best thing you'll ever read.

11) Favorite movie genre?


12) Favorite movie right now?

Aladdin will always be my fave! Or Anastasia. One of the two💕💕

13) Any sports you're in?

Nope. And will never be. Im too lazy for that.

14) Favorite sport?

I don't do sports. If so, probably soccer (football for you non American peeps)

15) Hair color?

Naturally brown.

16) Any beliefs?

I don't believe in God. I do believe in reincarnation. I absolutely am sure there is other intelligent life other than us somewhere in our universe. Basically I believe in everything but god.

17) Is your hair dyed?

Yes, its a very dark blue. Im most likely gonna get it dyed again by next month and a haircut to make it a fringe because I am that creative.

18) Who is your favorite author?

Sean Silverstein

19) Do you read/write smut? (No sin here)

I used to but I find it disgusting now.

20) Favorite music video?

Stressed Out-Twenty One Pilots

Tag 2:

13 Facts About Me:

1) I'm American

2) I have severe Anxiety

3) I am a huuuuugggeee nerd. (I literally read dictionaries when I was in 2nd and 3rd grade.)

4) I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet💕💕

5) I haven't met hardly half my family after 13 years

6) I didn't start writing til 2nd grade

7) I have an overactive imagination. This is why I am very creative and usually come up with outrageous ideas. Sadly, I have had pretty bad nightmares and have become pretty much afraid of everything.

8) My fave color is Aquamarine


10) My hair is getting dyed and cut into a fringe next month

11) I have a purple stuffed cow that I've kept for 7 years. I actually started crying one time when I couldn't bring it to a CAT scan. Poor 5 year old Rosa.

12) Besides death of family and friends, I only cry when I get mad or argue. After every argument with my sisters, I lock myself in my room and break down. This has happened for a whole week recently. When I say recently, I mean like.. two days ago.

13) I have a terrible habit of caring for others more than I care for myself and always comparing. Im trying to get out of it, but its more difficult than you think.

Bonus fact because I am nice💕

Its odd but I have anxiety and trust issues but I can rant for hours about my life to someone I met in the bathroom of a grocery store. Yeah. Im an odd child.

There's some stuff about me 💕💕

Goodbye my smol sprinklets!

Sprinkles out!

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