chapter 64:

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Cameron's POV:

I fell alseep knowing that i had my girlfriend happy and she was safe.


I woke up in the small couch and i saw that Hayes and Lizbeth were cuddled up together with luke was next to Calum. I felt a wave of jealousy. I left the house and went to starbucks to get a drink. I went to order a drink when someone came up to me.

Lizbeth's POV:

I woke up next to hayes. This isn't the first time we cuddled together, he's my best friend, and we can do whatever we want, except for couple things. I went to the kitchen to see Michael "cooking"

Lizbeth:"What are you doing Micheal?"
Michael:"Trying to read this cooking book, but i can't figure out what does 10 ounces mean"
Lizbeth:"Let's have cereal"
Michael:"But i want pancakes"
Lizbeth:"I'll try to help, but i won't guarantee that the pancakes are going to be good"
Michael:"It doesn't matter, at least we tried"

We went on youtube and searched up 'how to make pancakes.' It took some time but we finally finished after some tries and some fails. We made a lot so we gave everyone a plate. I went upstairs and took a shower. i was wondering where cam went, i haven't seen him all morning. I heard the door open downstairs, before i could head down mads and kensi walked in with

Madison:"Hey liz"
Lizbeth:"Hey mads"
Mckenzie:"Hey boo"
Lizbeth:"Hey kensi"
Madison:"Don't go downstairs"
Mckenzie:"If you love us don't go downstairs"
Lizbeth:"Im sorry, but i love yall and i need to see what's downstairs"

I walked out of the room, and i saw cameron and he had a friend. I thought she was his sister, or some friend. I saw everyone looking mad and i was confused on why, so i walked down and hugged cam but he didn't hug back and the chick pushed me back.

Hannah:"And who are who?"
Lizbeth:"Im lizbeth, his girlfriend"
Hannah:"That's funny"
Hannah:"Cause he told me he was single"

I looked at cam, and he was looking at his feet. I felt like someone shattered my heart into millions of pieces.

Lizbeth:"Well get out"
Lizbeth:"Get out of my house and i never want to see you again"

He walked out before he closed the door, he looked back and you can see the hurt, but i walked to the door

Lizbeth:"I hope yall have a wonderful life together and i hope you can see what pain you caused me cameron"

I closed the door before he can respond and i just stood there heartbroken.

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